Inter-University Center
for Japanese Language Studies
Intensive Programs in Intermediate and
Advanced Japanese
アメリカ・カナダ大学連合 日本研究センター  
About the IUC
For Applicants/Students
For Alumni
IUC Text/Software
General Information
Organization & Funding
10-Month Program
  Final Presentations
Summer Program
Summer Kanbun Course
Professional Tutorials
10-Month Program
Summer Program
Summer Kanbun Course
Outside Financial Aid
Resident Director
Faculty and Staff
Campus Tour
Please Let Us Know
311 Curricular Resources
Texts and Materials
Computer Software
Annual of the IUC
Journal List (~2011)
October 2 update regarding COVID-19
The IUC has reverted to pre-pandemic operating conditions. The current program is fully in-person, and antigen testing and the use of masks are no longer required. We continue to monitor the situation closely and will provide updates if and when circumstances change. Read more
Annual of the Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies 12 (2023)
The IUC received the Foreign Minister’s Commendations for Fiscal Year 2023 in recognition of its contribution to Japan Studies in the United States.
The IUC is turning 60 this year!
IUC Executive Director Dr. Indra Levy has received the first Irene Hirano Inouye award from the UCLA's Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies, which honors her contributions to Japanese studies as leader of the IUC and as a scholar and mentor.
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