Summary of Final Oral Presentation 2007-2008

香月泰男:記憶と憧れ、苦悩と希望 Kazuki Yasuo: Memory and Longing; Suffering and Hope

Benjamin Allen (University of Illinois)


パブリック・ディプロマシー:日中関係進展の可能性 Public Diplomacy: Potential for the advancement of Japanese Sino Relations

Brian Ashenfelder (Temple University)

毎年軍事力を強めハードパワーを高めている中国に対し、日本は自国の軍隊を持たず、高齢化、少子化によってハードパワーはますます弱まっています。中国に対してハードパワーで対抗するのが難しい現状、中国とよい関係を築くにはどうしたらよいでしょうか? その解決策は、日本がソフトパワーを強めることにあると考えます。強いソフトパワーがあるということは、それを使った効果的なパブリック・ディプロマシーができるということです。日本政府の対中パブリック・ディプロマシーについて、調べたことを発表します。

With every year China's military strength and “hard power” is rising. Japan, on the other hand, has no military, and is experiencing a decreasing birthrate and an aging population. Its “hard power” is weakening. As Japan cannot compete with China's “hard power,” how can it build a good relationship? The key to this may lie in the strength of its “soft power.” Through strong “soft power,” one can exercise effective public diplomacy. In this presentation, I will speak about the Japanese government's public diplomacy in China.

気海丹田と禅宗における身心観 Elixir Field: The Evolution of Body-Mind Approaches in Japanese Zen

Alexander Bazes (University of Pennsylvania)




In this presentation I would like to look at several treatises on Zen meditation, and investigate to what extent -- and in what way -- they deal with the concept of tanden (the “elixir field” said to be located in the navel region). Moreover, I will trace the concept back to the Tendai Sect of Buddhism, and further back still to its roots in Taoist alchemy. Ultimately, I will try to explain how this concept has evolved over time and reached its current - and central position within Zen meditative practice.

In Taoist alchemy there are in fact three areas referred to as tanden, whereas only one (specifically the lower tanden) rose to prominence in Zen. However, in Tendai, like in Taoism, the lower tanden was not the exclusive object of meditation.

Within Zen too, the concept of tanden has evolved over time. During the Kamakura Period, we find texts that treat the tanden much as Tendai and Taoism have, but we also find instances where it has been completely ignored. After examining the reasons for this discrepancy, I would like to turn to the Edo period Zen Master, Hakuin Eikaku. Ultimately, it was Hakuin who elevated the tanden to its current importance. In my conclusion I will attempt to interpret that decision and explain his reasons for valuing the tanden as a focal point for meditative practice.

一本道か岐路か? 創価学会の平和主義的努力と日本の外交政策 Inroads or Crossroads? The Soka Gakkai's Pacifist Endeavors in Japanese Foreign Policy

Timothy Benedict (Harvard University)


Although the Soka Gakkai's active promotion of peace through exhibits, publications and Daisaku Ikeda's peace proposals are well known, within the Japanese political sphere, pacifist sentiment has seemed to have declined in recent years. For example, Self Defense Forces have been deployed in a supportive capacity across the globe and politicians continue to debate revision of Article 9 in Japan's pacifist constitution. As a religious group with a long history of political activism, in this presentation I would like to examine whether the Soka Gakkai has succeeded in promoting pacifism in the political sphere and/or in moderating the rise of “right-wing” sentiment in recent years.

日本の新たな少数民族としてのフィリピン人 Filipinos: Japan's New Ethic Minorities

Marshall Bennett (Stanford University)


Since the beginning of human history, man has traveled the earth. According to academics, such as political economist Adam Smith, traveling has allowed people of nations and foreigners to exchange ideas. As a result, this has more or less allowed nations to improve society and the quality of life. Japan is no exception. Due to Japan's aging population and declining birth rate, immigrants and foreigners will play a vital role for the country. In this presentation, I will discuss Filipinos, who represent Japan's new minority and in particular focus on the challenges that face its children. Although, Filipinos' relatively short history with Japan causes them to be the fourth largest minority group, they provide an illustration of how Japan should think about the future of its ethnic minorities.

澁澤龍彦『高丘親王航海記』 Tatsuhiko Shibusawa's “Takaoka Shinnou Koukaiki”

David Boyd (University of California, Los Angels)


『源氏物語』と『長恨歌』:『桐壺』の巻に現れる『長恨歌』の構造と楊貴妃の資質 Genji Monogatari and Chang hen ge: Chang hen ge's structure and Yáng Guìfēi's intrinsic charactristics within the Kiritsubo Chapter

Matthew Chudnow (The Ohio State University)


Within the overall structure of Genji monogatari and the intrinsic character of its characters, it is undeniable that Tang Chinese poet Bai Juyi's Chang hen ge plays an important role. The influence of Chang hen ge's plot and the intrinsic character of that Chinese poem's character Yáng Guìfēi can be clearly recognized, especially in the deep structure of the tale's prologue chapter Kiritsubo. For example, within the narrative parallelism found in the first half of Kiritsubo the tale's time, space, and worldview along with its fundamental thematics are brought to life. Furthermore, within the intrinsic character of Kiritsubo Kõi and Hikaru Genji who appear in the second half of the chapter, many points of similarity with Chang hen ge's Yáng Guìfēi can be seen characteristic within the Kiritsubo Chapter.

ジャンルによる翻訳とその落とし穴 Translation Through Genre and the Pitfalls Within

Andrew Cookro (Cornell University)



What is translation? What kinds of problems do translators of both Japanese and English face? For my presentation I have explored translation theory, and how it relates to different genres by analyzing translations done by myself and others. Because language and culture are so tightly intertwined, translation is not just a conveyance of words, but could be thought of as an expression of one culture into another, using a language with a completely different set of rules.

In Japanese language both social status and sex are usually differentiated through word choice and structure, but in English that kind of discrimination is not usually expressed. This makes sense in a cultural context, but how does one approach a translation with these differences in mind. Depending on the genre, how much freedom does the translator have in interpreting the material, and when is it appropriate to translate something directly? Using actual translations as examples, I will discuss these kinds of problems and more as a means to shine some light on translation and its connotations.

文化を伝える字幕:新たな翻訳法の誕生 Subtitles and Cultural Translation: The Birth of Fansubbing

Sarah Cortina (Yale University)


The popularity of Japanese dramas in America is steadily increasing. Given that English-subtitled versions of such dramas are not available for sale in the U.S., how is it that they have attained such popularity with a largely non-Japanese-speaking viewership? This is made possible by the existence of Fansub groups, who create their own English translations of Japanese dramas and place the subtitled versions on the internet for fans in the U.S. and other countries to download. Over the years, such fansubs have developed their own conventions, and specific methods of translation. In this presentation, I will compare Fansub groups' translations with those of professional subtitling companies, while analyzing Fansub groups' goals and the culture from which their translation practices emerged. Furthermore, I will explore the effect such conventions have on the viewing experience, based on a survey of viewers of fansubbed Japanese dramas.

JICAと日系人社会 JICA's role in Nikkei Communities

Andre Kobayashi Deckrow (Amherst College)



In October of 2008, the Japanese government will merge its two overseas aid agencies, the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Japanese Bank of International Cooperation (JBIC), to form the world's largest nationally-led international development organization. The new-JICA will be the culmination of a decade-long effort to reform Japan's official development aid (ODA) policies and its relationship with the developing world. Although the principle focus of both agencies is to provide monetary and technological assistance to developing countries, JICA also actively supports Japanese émigré (Nikkei) communities in Central and South America; activities which I became familiar with last year while researching about South American Nikkei communities. Given the seemingly disparate missions of development aid and assisting Nikkei living outside of Japan, I investigated the history of JICA to learn the origins of the organization's relationship with and responsibility towards Nikkei communities. In addition, I explored JICA's present-day Nikkei projects with an eye towards learning how the agency's upcoming merger will affect this support in the future.

成田治安法と最高裁大法廷判決 The Narita Security Laws and the Supreme Court ruling

Aaron DeCosta (Beloit College)


In 1978, at the height of the anti-airport movement (against the creation of what was then known as the New Tokyo International Airport), a group of activists infiltrated the airport, took over the air control tower, and destroyed all of the equipment inside. The government reacted swiftly, establishing a new set of legislation known as the Narita Security Law. Under his new powers, the transportation minister banned the use of many pieces of property around the airport, one of which, known as the “Alliance House,” resulted in a law suit against the government and the minister himself. Eventually being dismissed by the Supreme Court in 1991, many law scholars worried about the precedent that it had set. Rather than basing the decision on constitutional analysis, the Supreme Court justices used quite vague, and very political, language to find in the favor of the government. In my presentation, I would like to analyze the content of their judgment, and discuss some of its criticisms.

明治時代の個人全集をめぐる問題 Editing Identity: Issues in Meiji authors' Complete works

Molly Des Jardin (University of Michigan)


When analyzing a work of literature, the role and influence of the editor is an aspect that is not often considered closely. However, in the case of individual authors' anthologies of “complete works” (kojin zenshu), the crucial role of the editor in their construction quickly becomes clear. Kojin zenshu first appear in the second half of the Meiji period (1868-1912), and are generally considered to encompass a given author's oeuvre. In Meiji kojin zenshu, we can observe the formation of the as-yet unfixed concept of the ‘author.’ Through the act of editing the works contained in a given anthology, as well as the selection of other materials such as a preface and photograph, editors of kojin zenshu simultaneously reflected and worked to define current ideas of authorship. In 1902's The Complete Works of Tokoku (Tokoku zenshu), the process of constructing Tokoku's Kitamura's identity as ‘author’ is clearly visible in the works chosen for inclusion, as well as in other documents such as memorial essays by friends and colleagues, photographs, and selections from his diary. In this presentation, I will investigate the formation and framing of Tokoku as ‘author,’ and the ways in which editorial acts construct his identity as both an author and as an individual, through an analysis of his 1902 Complete Works.

政策としての地図:日本北辺における国境の画定 Map as policy:The creation of Japan's Northern Borders

Evan Dicken (Ohio State University)



In the late 18th an increasing number of Russian ships began to ply the waters of Japan's northern periphery. In response to a perceived Russian threat Japanese cartographers began to draft maps of Karafuto, Sakhalin, and the Kurile Islands that highlighted both their value in terms of mineral and material wealth and the danger to Japan should they become Russian territories. In the early 19th century the Tokugawa Bakufu began dispatching numerous geographical survey teams to these northern islands. The surveys undertaken by these geographers employed scientific tools and techniques that had previously been ignored by Japanese mapmakers. My presentation will examine this change in mapping techniques in light of both internal and external forces affecting Japan in the late Tokugawa period as well as the role of maps in defining and protecting Japan's northern periphery.

日本児童文学に現れる色彩、自然、文化 Color, Nature & Culture in Japanese Children's Literature

Misa Dikengil (Northwestern University)


This project will briefly explain the role of religion and culture in the history of children's literature in the West and Japan, and argue for the necessity of more interdisciplinary studies involving children's literature. Then, I will discuss the unique representation of nature as a vibrant, spirited being within Japanese children's literature. I will introduce selected works of authors Reizo Fukunaga and Naoko Awa as examples of such representations, and explain how both authors use color to symbolize the presence of this spirited nature.

国際化に配慮したまちづくり:「アメリカ村」とそこから学ぶ課題 Internationally Minded Community Development: “American Village” and what can be Learned From It

Christopher Hainge (Bucknell University)


Foreign tourists visiting Japan have a tendency to confine their travels to a few major tourist destinations. The benefit of this tourism often doesn't reach rural areas, many of which fail to even recognize the potential they possess. Through this presentation I intend to examine internationally minded community development, the benefits it brings about, and what is needed for its actualization.

衣裳における江戸時代の女性美 Feminine Beauty of the Edo Period as Expressed through Clothing

Kathryn Handlir (Harvard University)


In the Edo period a new painting subject emerged out of the nascent genre painting category-the bijin, or beautiful woman. The appeal of pictures of beautiful women (bijinga) lies not in the figures themselves, but rather, in the clothing that they wear, and hence the ability of the bijinga artist to utilize clothing as a means of injecting color, meaning, and texture into each work. That so many painters were able to do this skillfully can be explained by the fact that most had at least some experience in textile design. In the Edo period, aptly called the “Age of Design,” the distinction between fine arts and decorative arts did not exist. Thus, a painter like Moronobu Hishikawa, considered a founding father of ukiyo-e, was free to expend great effort on designing clothing-an activity that, rather than sully his reputation as painter, stood only to enhance his skills at depicting figures. In this presentation, I will use Moronobu and his work to demonstrate the importance of clothing in Edo-period art, and in doing so, hopefully provide a new means of appreciating such.

日本語の文字体系における語彙階層レベルの作用 Lexical Level effects in the Japanese writing system

Mark Hansell (Carleton College)

文字論では、すべての文字はそれぞれある特定の言語構造階層で働いている。つまり、音声言語のその階層の単位が一対一で文字に対応するはずである。たとえば、アルファベットは音素文字であり、仮名は音節文字、漢字は形態素文字である。しかし、日本語の漢字の場合は、対応する形態素が表記された言葉によって違う時、それ以外に語彙階層情報がなければならない、いわゆる、語彙階層作用がある。たとえば、<水>という漢字は二つの同意形態素(/mizu/, /sui/)を表記できるが、<水着>や<水泳>の字を読むと、それぞれの全体語彙の形によって正しい形態素が選ばれるということである。


In grammatology, each writing system is thought to operate at a particular level of linguistic structure. That is to say, the units of a certain level of the spoken language's structure are in a one-to-one correspondence with the written characters. For example, the alphabet is considered a phonemic script, kana is a syllabic script, and kanji is a morphemic script. However, in Japanese kanji there are frequently cases where which morpheme corresponds to a particular kanji depends on what word is being written; that is to say, there are lexical level effects. For example, although the kanji <水> represents two different (synonymous) morphemes (/mizu/, /sui/), a reader encountering <水着> or <水泳> can come up with the proper morpheme only through knowledge of the words as wholes.

This presentation will examine some lexical level phenomena in Japanese writing in order to raise questions about the classification of kanji as a morphemic script.

倉橋由美子と身体の恐怖 Kurahashi Yumiko and the Horror of the Body

Kathryn Hemmann (University of Pennsylvania)


In this presentation I intend to analyze the theme of body-centered horror in the short story collection Kurahashi Yumiko no kaiki shohen (“Creepy Little Stories by Yumiko Kurahashi”). In the stories contained within this work, illness and lust overpower and betray the mind, and characters repeatedly find themselves trapped in uncannily inhuman states of being. By experiencing the terror that emanates from these situations, the reader finds him or herself uncomfortably aware of the mystery and horror lurking within the body. Kurahashi's fictional world is moist with bodily fluids and overrun with monsters; boundaries are unstable, and the distinction between self and other disappears.

For Kurahashi, a staunch postmodernist, the collapse of dualism and the destruction of such preconceived notions as gender and humanity is a primary concern. A deeper reading of her stories, however, reveals numerous elements of feminist thought informing not only her narratives but also her narrative style. Kurahashi's detached, intellectual style, when used to describe the predicaments of her characters, can be said to represent a patriarchal view of suffering, especially female suffering. It is perhaps this element of detached superiority in light of pain and misfortune that adds the most sinister element of horror to Kurahashi's creepy little stories.

日本における自殺 Suicide in Japan


みなとみらいの大観覧車 Cosmo Clock 21

Byol Kim (Yale University)


Since its opening at the Yokohama Exotic Showcase in 1989, Cosmo Clock 21 has become a symbol of the city. Even today, visitors stop in their tracks to marvel at the sight of the huge Ferris wheel glittering like gems set against the night sky. This presentation aims to introduce some interesting facts about the famed attraction of Minato Mirai.

ガールズ・スタイル:F1層とムービーマーケティング Girl's Style: The F1-sou and Movie Marketing

Colleen Laird (University of Oregon)

F1層というのはマーケティング用語で、20歳から34歳の女性を指す。映画産業においては、F1層の観客が一番大きいので、配給会社や映画館やテレビスタジオはF1層に対して様々なマーケティング戦略を作成し利用している。「ガールズ•スタイル」、あるいはいわゆる「女性映画」といった概念は、その戦略の一環である。今年、F1層の観客を引きつけるために、日本映画専門チャンネルという会社は、二ヶ月間「Dear Woman: 映画をつくる女性たち」という番組シリーズを放送した。プロジェクトのために、私は日本映画専門チャンネルのスタジオを訪ね、番組のディレクターにF1層と日本女性監督についてインタビューを行うことができた。本発表では、そのインタビューの内容を中心に、「ガールズ・スタイル」という概念について検討を行う。

The “F1-sou” is a business marketing term for the demographic of women between the ages of 20 and 34. In the film industry, they are the largest market and, as such, several promotional strategies have been created to target these spectators. The concept of the “Girl's Style” movie, also known as the so-called “Women's Film,” is one such promotional gimmick. This year, in order to attract the F1-sou audience, the Nihon Eiga Senmon Channel ran a special two-month series entitled, “Dear Woman: Women Who Make Film.” For my project, I visited the television studio, watched the series archived footage, and interviewed the program director regarding the F1-sou and Japanese female film directors.

神奈川県の介護施設の状況 The State of Nursing Homes in Kanagawa Prefecture

Brooke Lathram (University of Michigan)


Presently I am volunteering at a nursing home which receives funds from National Care Insurance. I teach the elderly English, make crafts, and speak with them. Today I want to talk about the state of nursing homes in Kanagawa Prefecture, based on my personal experience. First I will give an overview of the structure of National Care Insurance. Then I will talk about my volunteer experience and characteristics of the nursing home situation in Kanagawa Prefecture. Finally I will discuss necessary steps for the future.

小川洋子と“女性の孤独” Yoko Ogawa and "Women's solitude"

Amy Leader (University of California, Los Angels)


Recently, the works of Japanese author Ogawa Yoko have become quite popular, both in Japan and in the West. In particular, Ogawa's 2003 novel, The Professor Who Loves Numbers, has been translated into several languages, and became a major Japanese motion picture in 2006. At this point in her career, it can be said that Ogawa's novels have become an "international sensation".

Ogawa Yoko's recent works are broad, both in characterization and theme. However, her early works are more particular in their focus; in these novels, Ogawa's protagonists are young Japanese women, and she explores episodes of loneliness and tragedy within their lives. In this presentation, I will explore these themes in Ogawa Yoko's early works by examining three novels in which they appear.

日本での就職活動:こんな私はどうすれば?! Finding Work in Japan

Felicia Lee (Stanford University)



Today, I'd like to speak briefly about my search for a job as a foreigner in Japan. In this presentation I will discuss the things I noticed, felt, and learned throughout my job applications to 9 different Japanese companies. I will also discuss what I found to be key factors in landing a job in Japan, what kinds of questions Japanese employers often ask during interviews, and what situations one can expect to encounter during a Japanese job application process. For those currently seeking employment in Japan and those who are simply curious to know what the hunt is like here in the Land of the Rising Sun, please be sure not to miss this 15-minute crash course in Japanese job hunting!

南京大虐殺と日本の歴史教科書 The Nanking Massacre and Japanese History Textbooks

Jason Lindgren (Yale University)


The purpose of this research project is to examine how the issue of the Nanking Massacre has been handled in Japanese junior high school history textbooks. In particular, I sought to analyze how that treatment changed over time in relation to external political pressures upon Japan. To accomplish this, I collected representative junior high school history textbooks from 1954 to 2006 and considered them in the context of major incidents in Sino-Japanese relations, such as the first textbook controversy of 1982 or the anti-Japanese protests in China in 2005. I found that information about the massacre has generally increased in quality over time, though recent trends indicate some new attempts at obfuscation. Finally, I suggest how the textbook issue might influence future Sino-Japanese relations.

騎馬民族説再考 Rethinking Egami Namio's Horserider Theory

Scott Lyons (Washington University in St. Louis)


In 1949, Namio Egami published his “Horserider Theory,” stating that an equestrian society invaded the Japanese archipelago and founded the Yamato state in the late fourth century. Within Japan, this theory was much debated but ultimately discarded in the face of archaeological evidence. However, the Horserider theory is still popular among foreign historians of Japan. The purpose of this presentation is to once again examine the validity of this theory from an archaeological standpoint.

昭和初期の大衆文化に於ける愛国表現 Expressions of Patriotism in Early Showa Pop Culture

Amy Bliss Marshall (Brown University)



In the decades surrounding the Great Kanto Earthquake, the concept of a mass media expanded throughout Japan via newspapers, radio, and magazines as these media themselves reached ever-widening audiences. Within this proliferating media, concepts of participation in society and identification as a citizen orbited closely around the nucleus of the modern nation state. One of the most popular magazines of the 1920s and ‘30s was King. Published by Kodansha and touting subscribers throughout Japan, this magazine not only printed monthly issues, but also occasionally produced special editions. King's Meiji taisho showa daiemaki is one such example and is representative of the ways in which public events, particularly sports competitions, were used within the media to promote feelings of participation in and identification with Japan in its increasingly important role on the world stage.

女流能楽師:伝統の再生 Female Noh Professionals: Recreating a Tradition

Hanna McGaughey (Smith College)


Although women had set a historical precedent by Zeami's era making Noh theater an art form performed not only by men, women were banished from the Japanese stage in 1629. After the Meiji Restoration, female performers were again allowed on public stages, but the Noh stage was still restricted. This presentation will address the following questions: To what extent did women perform Noh prior to 1629? What were the difficulties women such as Tsumura Kimiko faced when they took the Noh stage again in the modern Era? In contemporary performance, does sex limit the actor's capacity for expression in Noh?

「こんなものでよかったら」浅田次郎作品の翻訳過程とその教訓 Here's a little something: The Translation Process and lessons of a work by Jiro Asada

Sean McKelvey (Naropa University)



The purpose of this presentation is to present my personal method of Japanese to English translation. Focusing on what I learned during this translation process, I will also explain the interesting and difficult parts of translating, in addition to a short story by Jiro Asada, various forms of media, government reports, and business contracts. A major point of this presentation will be problems that arose from translating Jiro Asada's individualistic writing style. I will also describe, as someone aiming to be a professional translator, the lessons I learned from doing these translations.

「旅行」と帝国日本:植民地の案内書から “Travel” and Japanese Empire


夏目漱石『坑夫』:多重人格と近代主義 Split-personalities and Modernism in Natsume Soseki's The Miner

Aragorn Quinn (Stanford University)


In his magnum opus I Am a Cat (Wagahai wa neko de aru, 1905), Soseki Natsume fixes his story to the perspective of a first person narrator (the eponymous cat) who proceeds to narrate the entirety of the novel up to and including his own death. Such storytelling problematizes the very concept of a narrator as it is traditionally understood and speaks to the crisis of representation confronting Modernist authors generally. Similar experiments with representation occur throughout Soseki's body of work, and in this presentation I examine the case of The Miner (Kofu, 1907), a story of a young boy who leaves home and takes on work in the mines that fuel Japan's modernization. His narrator is rendered in one voice but with the multiple personalities of author, memoirist and protagonist, all of whom stand at varying distances from the action of the text and act as literary devices that work together to undermine Realist literary ideals. I argue that this strategy indicates a philosophical break with other schools of modern Japanese literature, and it suggests the possibility of reading Soseki as being in solidarity with his contemporary Modernist writers across the globe and as foreshadowing the Japanese Modernists who would follow him.

神仏習合への「再訪」:新しい視覚文化論的なアプローチへ Revisiting Shinbutsu Shūgō : Toward a New Visual Cultural Approach

Aaron Rio (Columbia University)


While the amount of scholarship addressing shinbutsu shūgō is not insignificant, this scholarship has often relied too heavily on doctrinal and/or institutional approaches and has thus been unsatisfactory in accounting for the existence of this religious phenomenon and its attributes beyond elite strata. The goal of this presentation is not to carry out a comprehensive reexamination of syncretism in Japanese belief systems, but rather to highlight the need for such an undertaking in the future. I will explore the current state of scholarship and in an attempt to refocus both religious and art historical discourse on the subject, advocate for a new interdisciplinary approach that considers Buddhist/Shintō syncretism vis-à-vis visual culture.

木曽義仲の盛衰にみる源平争乱 The Genpei War as seen through the rise and fall of Kiso Yoshinaka

Matthew Robinson (University of Southern California)




In research on the Gempei War, little attention is paid to the activities of Yoshinaka Kiso, as his actions were limited to the duration of the fighting. However, in order to understand the conditions of the war, and in particular, the actions and motives of the warriors fighting it, it is essential to make clear the reasons for Yoshinaka's rise and fall.

Yoshinaka issued a call to arms in the 9th month of 1180, relying on the family of the husband of his wet nurse. However, in 1183, he was able to collect together a force that successively defeated large Taira armies and seized the capital. However, in the 1st month of 1184, this force had dwindled drastically, and Yoshinaka was destroyed by Minamoto no Yoshitsune.

Yoshinaka's defeat makes clear to us the political and military skill required by Minamoto no Yoritomo in raising the army that would later become the Kamakura Bakufu. In this way, taking Yoshinaka as a mirror, we can deepen our understanding of warrior society at the end of the 12th century.

技術大国の意外な弱点:日本のソフトウェア産業の実情 Surprising Flaw in a Technological Superpower: The Current State of Japan's Software Industry

Alan Rogers (Georgia Institute of Technology)


It is often said that Japan is a country of the future, especially in terms of technological development. One will often hear legends such as, “Japanese cell phones are three years ahead of American cell phones,” or, “all Japanese people have fiber-optic internet connections.” Considering this popular image, it is hard to believe that Japan is actually the only country in the world with declining computer sales. In addition, the surprising fact is that Japan has a very weak software industry compared to its technological rival, the United States. This presentation explores some of the factors that have contributed to the poor state of Japan's software industry; specifically, the lack of sufficient expertise and various historical consequences that have led to a fragmented industry focused on niche business solutions.

自然主義と坪内逍遙 Naturalism and Tsubouchi Shōyō

Benjamin Rosenberg (University of Wisconsin)


Scholarship addressing the inconsistencies in Tsubouchi Shōyō's “how-to” pamphlet, Essence of the Novel, is extensive, belying its simple call for psychological realism in fiction and laying bare its most challenging aspect. Key terms have lost their intended meaning, all but erasing the context with which we might understand the framework of his argument. A fruitful way to recover this context is no doubt to reexamine how his contemporaries positioned these inconsistencies - in other words, simple intertextual forensics. Taking advantage of Nakayama Akihiko's extensive philological work, and borrowing his notion of the “Shosetsu shinzui cliché,” I intend to recover some of this context, and then search for traces of this cliché in the later Shizenshugi debates.

隠れた需要:アメリカにおける日本の音楽 Unrealized Demand: Japanese Music in America

Benjamin Rubin (Berklee College of Music)




Japan's creative content industry is indisputably one of the most active in the world. But for all of the fantastic movies, animation, video games and other products created annually, only a small trickle ever makes it across the ocean to the enthusiastic fans in the western world. By far the least exported of all the creative content produced in Japan, though, is that of Japanese music. In fact, of the thousands upon thousands of CDs and music DVDs released each year, only a handful of bands and artists have international distribution, and seemingly even fewer have ever toured internationally.

In my presentation, I will dig up the roots of Japanese music fandom in America and explain the (shockingly) unsophisticated forms of piracy employed by those seeking otherwise unavailable Japanese music. Through this, I will prove that the time is right for wider distribution of Japanese music, and discuss a company called “HearJapan”, a digital music store which offers a simple and effective way to distribute Japanese Music worldwide.

As Japan has long been a large consumer of foreign music, perhaps the time has come for the world to return the favor.

「外蕃通書」における家康とベトナムとの通信 Communications between Viet Nam and Tokugawa Ieyasu as seen in the Gaiban Tsuusho

Travis Seifman (University of London - SOAS)


In 1601, letters were exchanged between Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was not quite yet Shogun of Japan, and Nguyễn Hoàng, who held a similar position of authority in southern Vietnam. These are widely regarded as the earliest extant communications between the two nations. I would like to touch upon the content of these letters and their wider historical significance, drawing upon early 19th century commentary on Japanese-Vietnamese relations as recorded in the Gaiban Tsuusho, a compilation of official foreign correspondence.

日本のベンチャー企業環境:事実とイメージ ライブドア事件を事例として The Livedoor Incident and the role of Media in the Japanese startup sector

Connor Shepherd (Dartmouth College)


Much has been written about the history and development of business practices within Japan's established industries; the environment extant within its emerging enterprises, however, remains largely unexplored. The purpose of my project is to examine how public opinion can manipulate incentives within Japan's venture capital/startup marketplace, and to further interrogate the role of general and business media in the construction of that opinion. The “Livedoor Incident” of early 2006 will be used as a case study.

中国の博物館と記念館:「被害者」の中国歴史観 Chinese Museums and Memorials: A "Victim Narrative" of Chinese History

Seiji Shirane (Yale University)


In my presentation, I will talk about several museums and memorial sites in China that commemorate the atrocities inflicted upon China by Japan and the Western powers during the twentieth century. The museums present a historical narrative of a victimized China since the late-Qing period and call on the present Chinese generation to strengthen China so as to never again face such humiliation at the hands of a foreign military power. While many people know of the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, I will talk about the lesser known “Anti-Japanese War” sites such as the Shenyang 9/18 Museum, Harbin 731 Unit Chemical Warfare Museum, Chongqing 6/5 Air-raid Memorial, and Wuyuan Anti-Japanese War Martyrs Memorial.

国境を越えるイメージ:日本観光ポスターに現れる自己像 International Images: Viewing Japan Through Travel Poster

Jeffrey Skiles (Yale University)


Broadly speaking, advertisements reflect societal values. In a more specific context, any marketing oriented towards foreign tourists implicitly uses that country's self image, and subsequently influences the perception of that country overseas. For that reason, analyzing the content and medium of such advertising can aid in understanding societal perceptions and international exchange. We can also say that because tourist advertising displays a country's self-image overseas, it acts as a kind of ambassador for that country. However, the kind of image that draws a tourist's attention is not the same as the idealized identity a modern nation ascribes to. In this presentation, I will begin by exploring archetypal images of Japan, and continue on to examine the self-images of Japan reflected in foreigner-oriented travel posters.

もし医療事故にあったら:日本の医療の現状 When accidents happen: How Japan deals with medical error

Jay Starkey (University of California, San Francisco)


In Japan, cases of medical treatment leading to accidental death are treated as criminal matters, a policy that likely stems from cultural notions regarding responsibility in the case of accidents, as can also be seen in the case of motor vehicle accidents involving pedestrians resulting in death. In cases of medical error, doctors are considered culpable and are required to report to the nearest police station. Police interrogation and a criminal investigation ensue. As a result, doctors fear taking on difficult cases in which death is a possibility, and risk management activities are hampered. The government has acknowledged the limitations of the current system and has proposed a new third party system that, while not flawless, seeks to address these issues.

音楽翻訳:近世日本人と西洋音楽との出会い Translating Music: The Transmission of Western Musical Knowledge and Instruments in Early Modern Japan

Brigid Vance (Princeton University)


In this presentation, I examine the general practice of “translation” of Western music in early modern Japan. This practice involves not only the inter-lingual translation of music-related texts, but also the inter-cultural transfers of musical ideas and instruments. I briefly consider three aspects of musical cultural exchange: educational, performative, and textual. I begin with the musical education of Japanese Christian converts in Jesuit and Franciscan seminaries during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Next, I focus on the musical concerts given by members of the Tensho mission to Europe (1582-1590) both during the mission and following their return to Japan. Finally, I consider music-related texts either imported to Japan or published in Japan (such as liturgical translations, travelogues, and dictionaries).

「せんたく」とは? Sentaku: A clean Slate for Japanese Politics?

Richard Wright (Yale University)


Manifestoes have been the subject of much Japanese political debate since the snap elections of 2005. Early this year, references to a newly founded political organization called Sentaku, which actively promotes the release of manifestoes by all Japanese politicians before the next election, began to appear in Western media. The group's formation was portrayed as a sign that Japan might embrace reforms deemed necessary by Western commentators, including increased ideological differentiation of political parties and the continuation of Koizumi-era economic reforms. In reality, Sentaku's aims and accomplishments are likely to disappoint hopeful Western observers. This presentation will describe Sentaku's stated and unstated goals, the group's history, leadership, and structure, and likely outcomes of its efforts.

「雅集図」の魅力 Elegant Gathering

Yu Yu (University of Chicago)


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Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies