Summary of Final Oral Presentation 2017-2018

日本とインドネシアの木材をめぐる関係 Japan and Indonesian’s Timber Relationship

Bailey Albrecht (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


Japan, with its lush mountainsides, and Indonesia, a country repeatedly invoked as a symbol of deforestation, have long been depicted by the international community as representative examples of environmental success and failure. In truth, Japan’s verdant forests and Indonesia’s denuded slopes were created in large part through a single process; the international timber trade. Japan, through its importation of Indonesian timber, was about to pursue rapid postwar economic growth and protect its national environment at the same time. While Indonesia, too, was able developed in large part because of the investment and capital that natural resources exports attracted in, such progress came at the expense of the natural environment. As contemporary problems like global warming and ecosystem destruction worsen, it becomes increasingly important that we understand the link between local natural environments and economic exchange. By recognizing the ways in which such systems have historically impacted local environments, we can better plan for future solutions that will surely require a global cooperation.

江戸時代の「被虜人」と対朝鮮観 ―朝鮮人捕虜の位置づけ― Edo Period Hiryonin and Views of Korea: The Positioning of Captive Koreans

Jason Alexander (Colgate University)


In research about Edo period Japanese-Korean relations after Hideyoshi’s invasion of Korea, the Korean diplomatic envoys who voluntarily visited Japan have attracted much interest. However, the tens of thousands of Koreans taken captive and sent to Japan during the invasion, called hiryonin, also influenced the prevalent views of Korea in Japanese society. These hiryonin, who resided foremost in Kyushu, were treated differently depending on their origins and skills, but further into the Edo period formed families and to varying extents assimilated into Japanese society. In this presentation, while examining the lives of hiryonin and their descendants, I will consider the consciousness about Korea in Japanese society. Despite the fact that the nature of resident Koreans’ struggles and legacy differed according to social class and region, on the whole, their presence faded from Japanese consciousness while hostile attitudes towards Koreans resurfaced.

「美しい他人」 ―日本におけるロシア系ファッションモデル― The Beautiful Others: Russian Fashion Models in Japan

Liubov Ampleva (SOAS, University of London)


This presentation will look at what lies behind an image of a Caucasian Russian fashion model on the pages of a women’s magazine in contemporary Japan.

By looking at both the consumption and the production sides of such images, this presentation will attempt to examine what global flows of ideas and people make such images possible.

The presentation is broken into two parts. The first part will engage with the notions of globalization and consumption in contemporary Japan, examining the effect that global beauty ideals have on the construction of identities of Japanese women. The second part will look at how on the production side ideas surrounding beauty ideals in Japan can serve as a pull factor in the movement of young women across international borders, in Particular from Russia to Japan.

インドにおける女子教育の試み  Regarding A Girls Educational Charity School in India: Pardada Pardadi Educational Society (PPES)

Nitin Bajpai (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


Discrimination against women takes many forms in rural parts of Northern India. One such form of discrimination is the attitude of the rural population towards the education of young girls. In such areas, the prevailing thought is that since the girl will get married in the future, there is no point in providing her an education. This attitude has spanned many generations. To battle against this social attitude, in 2000, a charitable girls school (Pardada Pardadi Educational Society) was started in a particular state in Northern India. From very humble beginnings, this school now educates 1,300 girls. In addition to education, basic healthcare, vaccination and vocational training is also provided. Girls who graduate from the school tend to get good quality jobs in major cities. Many girls who remain in the rural area after graduation, start their own small scale business. The most important impact of the school however has been to change the social attitude towards girls education as after marriage, once a graduate has her own children, she makes sure the child receives an education irrespective of whether the child is a boy or a girl. This has broken the decades long cycle of girls remaining uneducated.

在日韓国人と沖縄人に対する日本の態度 ―大衆文化を通して― Japan VS. Zainichi Koreans and Okinawans: A Culturac Comparison

Arielle Busetto (University of St Andrews)

20世紀日本帝国はどんどん広がり、台湾、韓国、沖縄に加え、第二次世界大戦時にはビルマやフィリピンなども支配し、とても広い影響を与えた。従来、韓国と沖縄における政治的、あるいは法律的影響についてよく指摘されている。しかし、政治的な分析だけでは、植民地の日常生活の複雑さを無視することになる。この発表では、内田じゅんと玉野井麻利子の定義に従い, 小説を通じて植民地人のサバルタンとしてのアイデンティティーを指摘したい。

During the first half of the 20th century, Japan significantly increased its territories by including in its sphere of influence Taiwan, Korea, Okinawa and in the final stages of the war even the likes of Burma and the Philippines. Specifically regarding Korea and Okinawa, it has been widely researched how the laws and reforms affected people on the ground, leading eventually to forced militarization and war. However, this presentation will argue how a history that looks mostly at law-making and politics fails to tackle the blurred lines between the colonizer and the colonized. It fails to highlight how difference and discrimination was negotiated on a day to day basis. Using a framework proposed by Jun Uchida and Mariko Tamanoi, I propose to offer a different mode of analysis. Focusing specifically on the case of Koreans and Okinawans coming from the colonies to the Japanese Isles, and using short stories as a lens of analysis this presentation will reflect on common trends in the subaltern relation between Japan and its subjects, aiming to shed light on the dynamics of colonial authority.

「こんにちは Y’all!」 アメリカ南部と日本の結び付き “Konnichiwa Y’all!” Connections between the American South and Japan

Jennifer Butler (University of Sheffield)


In this presentation, connections between Japan and the American South are examined from an economic, cultural and people-to-people exchange perspective. In this region of the United States, the relationship with Japan has historically been based on economic factors and, compared with the East and West coasts of the U.S., is a relatively recent development. Drawing on information from interviews conducted with the representatives of the State of Mississippi and the State of Tennessee Japan offices, I examine the important role that economics plays in the relationship with Japan in this region. In addition, due to the impact of Japan-related economic activities in the region, examples of how Japan-related cultural and international exchange activities have also developed are presented. Lastly, I examine the importance of further developing the connections between the South and Japan, and why greater familiarity with this region of the United States will ultimately lead to deeper mutual understanding of our two countries, thus further strengthening the US-Japan relationship overall.

日本の指紋押捺制度 ―必要なテロ防止対策かあるいは人権侵害か?― Japan’s Fingerprinting Policy: Necessary Security Measure or Human Rights Violation?

Minsun Cha (Yale University)

本発表では日本の入国管理法に含まれるいわゆる指紋押捺制度の歴史を紹介し、外国人のみに対して実行されている指紋押捺の差別的な要素をめぐる議論を分析する。まず、現在の状態になるまでにどのような反対運動や変化があったか簡単に説明した上で、日本の制度の基となった米国のUS-VISIT (訪問者と移民のステータス・インジケータ技術)プログラムと比較し、最後に指紋押捺制度に対する批判や評価に言及する。

This presentation seeks to contextualise Japan’s controversial policy of mandatory fingerprinting of foreigners since its inception in the 1950s as a critical component of the now-abolished Alien Registration Law (1952). It traces the history of both the act itself and the resistance movement that brought about painstakingly slow but significant reform, eventually resulting in the temporary suspension of fingerprinting of all foreigners in 2000. Additionally, the presentation aims to provide a critical assessment of its justification as an effective national security measure, the primary reason for its reintroduction in 2007 following the implementation of the US-VISIT programme upon which the current Japanese system was modelled.

1920年代の日本の農民運動とその国際的側面 Rural Activism in 1920’s Japan and its International Dimension

Harlan Chambers (Columbia University)


Japan’s experience of modernity is often understood primarily through the history of its cities. From their burgeoning industries to the reform of its political institutions, the city takes precedent as the locus of the modern. The rural, on the other hand, is frequently relegated to the margins of such narratives, a “backwards” region that would enjoy a belated entry into modernity.

In the last years of the 1920s, however, Japanese activists and political radicals hoped that Japan’s rural regions could assume a leading role not only in the transformation of the nation, but on the stage of world history. They launched efforts to develop the rural as the vanguard of an anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist movement.

This presentation will examine the contours of these projects to transform the rural, focusing particularly on their international dimension. In struggling to create a new rural world, Japanese reformers drew inspiration from the outbreak of China’s agrarian-based, Communist revolution of the latter 1920s. In this framework, the future of Japan’s rural sphere was not imaged in the banal terms of economic development, but was embraced instead as an international horizon for human emancipation.

国字問題 ―戦後漢字制限論の変遷― The Kanji Problem: Can Japan do without?

Ryan Chancoco (University of Florida)


Since the Meiji Restoration, Japanese language policymakers have had a multitude of opinions on whether the use of an age-old, ultimately foreign ideographic writing system is the best mode of expression for written Japanese. If so, that poses the question of how the myriad characters in existence should be culled for daily-use publications, legal documents, and education purposes. This presentation provides a brief survey of policy and thought regarding kanji usage in the 20th century culminating in the creation of the Jōyō kanji table.

婦人服と戦争 ―女性誌の表紙に現れるファッション― (1930-1945) Women’s Clothing and War -Fashion on the Covers of Women’s Magazines- (1930-1945)

Yu-Ning Chen (Washington University in St. Louis)


This presentation centers in the covers of women’s magazines in wartime Japan and discusses the influence of the war on women’s clothing. First, I will give an outline of the history of fashion in modern Japan. Next, I will explain how the war affected women’s fashion during the 1930s. When government censorship tightened in the late 1930s, many publishers of women’s magazines, in order to continue their business, chose to support wartime policies. Therefore, the fashion promoted in these magazines was not in accordance with what was actually being worn at the time. Lastly, I will introduce several examples if women’s fashion in wartime magazines, and will analyze the trend of putting images of kimono on these magazines’ front covers.

神聖化の装置としての「東照大権現縁起」 The Tōshō Daigongen Engi and sacralization of the Realm

Ian Cipperly (University of Chicago)


Nikko Tōshōgū was a central tool utilized by the Tokugawa bakufu to initiate what Althusser has referred to as the shift from repressive to ideological sovereignty. By placing authority in the sacred, Tokugawa Iemitsu sought a source of legitimacy unassailable by mortal men. Employing tools such as the Tōshō Daigongen Engi, religion, literature, and visual culture were brought to bear in the attempt to establish a nomos, or meaningful order, through the sacralization of the realm. This reintroduction of the Tōshō Daigongen Engi explicates the methods of production, religious claims, and visual and literary rhetorical devices employed under Iemitsu’s supervision in his quest to solidify bakufu authority through the divinity of his grandfather, Ieyasu.

武道における「気」―多様にして多義なるもの― Polymorphic and Polysemic: "ki" in the context of Japanese Traditional Martial Arts

Brendan Craine (University of Colorado Boulder)


The concept of ki (気), referring to an omnipresent vital energy, can be found in numerous aspects of the Japanese culture and language. It has been referenced with a variety of different terms, both abstractly and in relation to more concrete matters, such as descriptions of breath regulation found in zen texts dating back to the 13th century. As it exists in modernity, ki continues to evade both strict definition and objectively-provable existence, but is no less prevalent conceptually. This is particularly true in modern studies of Japanese martial arts. This presentation will provide a survey of the various interpretations of ki from a martial arts perspective, specifically in regard to the dynamic interactions occurring between oneself and one’s opponent.

絶対に人を殺してはいけないか On the Morality of Murder

Diana Dao (Pomona College)


Regardless of how seriously we mean, everyone has at least once in their life thought about killing another person. However, those who actually act upon these feelings are extremely rare. Why do we stop ourselves before carrying out the act? This presentation raises the question of whether or not killing people is really wrong. If our convictions that killing others is wrong wavers as we continue to analyze the question from different perspectives, then exactly in what situations would killing someone be forgivable?

具現化された思い出の帰郷 ―第二次世界大戦後の日本兵遺品返還について― Embodied Memories Come Home: The Return of World War ⅡSouvenirs

Alexandra De Leon (Northwestern University)


During World War II, thousands of objects were taken from deceased Japanese soldiers by Allied soldiers as battle “souvenirs” and brought home. Since the 1960s, both individuals and organizations in America (and other former Allied nations) and Japan have attempted to facilitate the return of some of these personal artifacts to surviving Japanese family members. First, I will compare the cultural and historical significance of these objects in the former Allied nations with that of Japan. Next, I will evaluate how the efforts to return World War II souvenirs have developed over the past 70 years and how these efforts have been depicted in the Japanese press. Finally, I will consider the role these objects have played in the development of both personal and public memories of World War II in Japan.

外国語の教室における言語不安 Language Anxiety in Foreign Language Classrooms

Nicole De Los Reyes (The College of New Jersey)



Target language use (i.e. language output) in foreign language classrooms without fear of mistakes or embarrassment is integral to students’ language development. However, research in second language acquisition indicates that many students suffer from foreign language anxiety (FLA) to a debilitating extent. Although speaking practice is critical to developing proficiency in any language, students and teachers alike agree that FLA is a major obstacle to language learning.

Today’s presentation will cover the following topics: definition of FLA; previous research on FLA, with an emphasis on American Learners of Japanese; current IUC students’ experiences with FLA; and methods that foreign language educators can implement to reduce students’ FLA.

現代宗教の適用戦略 ―実用的な仏教の伝統― Contemporary Religions’ Adaptation: The Legacy of Practical Buddhism

Anh Tu Duong (University of Oregon)

宗教の適応戦略に対する主な批判は、宗教組織がマーケティング戦略を利用し、信者ではなく「消費者」にアピールするという点にある。西洋でのマインドフルネスも仏教の適応戦略としてしばしば批判を受ける。しかし、世界中に仏教を広めるために、対象とする文化の思想の枠組みに仏教の教義を適用する という「実用的な」仏教運動がある。西洋でのマインドフルネスなどのいわゆる宗教の適応戦略は、実用的な仏教の原理原則に沿ったものであると言える。

As one of the so called adaptation strategies of Buddhism, mindfulness in the West is often criticized. One major criticism towards these strategies is that in practice, they often take the form of marketing strategies undertaken by various religious organizations to appeal to 「customers」. However, in order to revitalize and propagate Buddhism throughout the world, several modern Buddhist movements have adapted Buddhist teachings to different contexts. With smooth communication as their goal, these movements have also tailored their messages to their intended audiences. Therefore, to a certain extent it can be argued that the adaptation strategies of Buddhism, as exemplified by mindfulness in the West, are based on the principles of practical Buddhism.

Eスポーツと日本 Esports and Japan

Sarah Enders (University of Oklahoma)


How much would you say you know about gaming? Would you say you are an avid gamer, or just a “filthy casual” from time to time? What about Esports? Have you ever taken the time to watch a live Esports event? What about a gaming stream? If you have not, you are sorely missing out! Esports is a multi-million-dollar, global industry that is estimated to hit a billion dollars by the year 2020. In addition to gripping gameplay and fierce competition, the industry boasts traditional sports-like athletes, sponsorships, contract deals, and team rivalries while also giving those who love the games a global community within which they can meet and connect with friends the world over. From Street Fighter to League of Legends and back, Esports has grown in popularity in recent years and, with the advent of streaming and community connection websites and forums, does not look like it will be disappearing any time soon. Despite Japan’s long legacy as the birthplace of gaming as we know it, Japan is surprisingly devoid of an active Esports scene. Though Japanese pro gamers are common place in the FGC (fighting game community) and there are Japanese professional leagues/server branches for PC games like League of Legends, Dota2, etc., Japan has only recently begun to pursue Esports as a possible source of economic revenue and as an acceptable career choice for the newest generation of youngsters looking to follow their dreams. In this presentation we will investigate what the Esports/professional gaming industry is, what the daily life of non-Japanese and Japanese professional gamers look like, how Japan managed to put itself on the back foot when it came to Esports proliferation, what the Japanese Government is now doing to encourage growth the domestic esports scene, and why now.

俊成卿女の和歌に見る本歌取りへの態度 The Labors of Honkadori as seen through the Poetry of Shunzei’s Daughter

Eric Esteban (Yale University)


This presentation attempts to define the features which outline the creation of waka with particular attention given to honkadori poetics. Honkadori, often translated into English as “allusive variation,” is a method in waka composition by which a portion of a recognizable poem from the past (honka) is taken up (tori) and a new poem is made—in many instances the allusive relationship is more or less clear. This gesturing technique was the topic of discussion in 12th century poetic treatises (karonshō). The content and proliferation of these treatises suggests that the creation of waka cannot be merely a spontaneous expression of emotion. Rather, the poet, thrusted into public venues such as poetry contests (utaawase), felt an immense pressure to create a poem that might bear comparison with poems that came before it. A passage in one poetic treatise speaks to such labors. It depicts the woman-poet known to us as the Daughter of Lord Shunzei (1171-1251), pouring over texts in preparation for waka composition. This presentation will examine the poetry of Shunzei’s Daughter, praised for her judicious use of honkadori. Rather than interrogate the reasonings behind such an evaluation, I hope to examine the catalytic function of waka composition as seen through her poetry, and in doing so, grasp the implications of waka’s allusive nature.

ニートを解決するための政策と実際のギャップ ―マンガ「ReLIFE」における解決方法― Policy to solve the NEET issue and the actual gap -manner to solve shown in the manga 「ReLIFE」-

Ken Ezaki (University of Oregon)


NEET are the people who are currently not in education, employment, or training. These people gave up on living as a part of society due to the excessive pressure of social expectation. The Japanese government has tried to pass policies to, but nothing concrete has been done to solve the NEET problem. Therefore, the NEET people have escaped to popular culture to voice the complains and solutions to the current issues of society, and can find their ideal society in manga stories. Thus, I would like to compare the solutions of the Japanese government against the solutions portrayed in popular culture.

「渋谷らしさ」とは What is “Shibuya-like”?

Marlowe Gardiner-Heslin (McGill University)



“8/” is a creative space on the 8th floor of the Shibuya Hikarie containing several small art galleries, and shops along with shared offices, and a café. Imprinted on the side of the walls, a short blurb explains the goal of “8/” to foster a community “filled with creative energy” and, most notably, “Shibuya-like vibes.” As the first phase of Tokyu Corporations massive urban renewal project, the inclusion of “8/” amidst the retail and office space of the Hikarie, highlights the economic importance of Shibuya’s identity as a creative area. At the same time, it invites an obvious question: “What is Shibuya-like?”

Focusing primarily on the period from the late 70s to the mid-2000s when Shibuya was a youth centre and home to distinct forms of fashion and art, this presentation will give a brief outline of Shibuya’s history and culture. Resisting a singular definition of “Shibuya-like,” I will trace the shifting connotations of Shibuya, as well as its relation to Tokyo as a whole.

日本におけるコーポレートガバナンス改革の展望 Japan’s Long Road to Corporate Governance Reform

Benjamin Garton (Johns Hopkins University, SAIS)


Over the past decade, the Japanese business world has suffered several high-profile corporate scandals. These recent scandals have prompted the Japanese government and the business world to reassess corporate governance and its place in Japanese society. Effective corporate governance, or the rules under which corporations make strategic decisions and manage operations, leads to an efficient use of company resources and minimizes risks to companies’ long-term health.

日英同時通訳におけるストラテジー Strategies for Japanese-English Simultaneous Interpretation

Josh Goldberger (The Middlebury Institute of Int'l Studies)


Simultaneous interpretation between Japanese and English poses many challenges to the interpreter. Due to the fact that both languages are so structurally different, adjustments in language structure are of particular importance when carrying out simultaneous interpretation between Japanese and English. A variety of techniques are utilized for this purpose, including adjustments in subject, parts of speech and word order. This presentation will provide an introduction to the strategies employed to successfully carry out smooth bidirectional simultaneous interpretation between Japanese and English.

ポカヨケと特許 Fool Proofing and Patents

H. Mitchell Green (Brigham Young University)

ポカヨケは、「間違いを防ぐ」という意味の日本語の用語で、英語では「フール・プルーフ」と訳されることがよくある。 1960年代にトヨタで開発された生産管理手法の一環であり、製造工程で人間が偶然起こす誤謬の数を減らすために考案された。 この用語は、最近、英語の特許の分野でも使用されるようになり、本来の意味ばかりではなく、さらに行動の形成と誤解防止の概念としても意味が拡張している。「ポカヨケ」という言葉は英語でもそのまま「pokayoke」として使われている。英語の中で日本語がなぜそのまま使われるのか、この発表ではその理由について考察する。

Pokayoke is a Japanese term that means “mistake-proofing” and is often translated as “fool-proofing” in English. It was coined as part of a lean manufacturing system developed at Toyota in 1960 to reduce the number of inadvertent errors made by humans in the manufacturing process. This term has recently grown in use in English patents in both its original meaning and as a catch all for both behavior shaping and mistake preventing concepts. The word “ポカヨケ” is used in English Romanized as “pokayoke” rather than being translated. This presentation seeks to answer the question of why the Japanese term is used even in English.

非合理的な人間の決定方法 ―経済理論と日常生活を繋げる試み― Non-rational decision making: Connecting economic theory and everyday life

Maksym Grinenko (Heidelberg University)


Economics is typically defined as the study of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. The cornerstone of the classical economic theory since its inception has been the presumed rationality of its actors. In Adam Smith's terms, humans as economic men are characterized by their rational pursuit of utility maximization. The maximalism of this idea has since attracted criticism with regard to its veracity. In this presentation, I discuss the theories of transaction cost and bounded rationality as proposed by Nobel laureates Ronald Coase and Herbert Alexander Simon respectfully, and outline the real world limitations on the classical economic rationality.

サイバーセキュリティと政策 ―日本年金機構情報漏洩の検証― Cybersecurity Policy: Examining the Japan Pension System Breach

Austin Guffy (American University)

日本年金機構の漏洩事件では、何千人もの年金受給者の記録が盗まれた。そして、この事件は、政府機関、重要なインフラ、および民間部門へのサイバー攻撃に対する脆弱性を見せつけた。多数のセキュリティサービスが存在するが、現代社会にとって不可欠なデーターシステムの完全性を維持するためには、徹底的な政策立案を実現することが何よりも重要であると言われている。 この発表では、日本年金機構の漏洩事件 におけるセキュリティプロトコルの失敗に注目し、日本のサイバーセキュリティ政策に改善の必要性がまだあることを指摘したい。

Following the Japan Pension System breach, thousands of pensioners records were stolen. This event highlighted Japan's increasing risk to cyberattacks in governmental organizations, critical infrastructure, and the private sector. While a multitude of security services exist to safeguard against cyberattacks, sound policymaking and effective implementation is crucial to maintain the integrity of key systems that are essential for modern societies. This presentation examines the JPS incident, addresses failures in security protocols, and points out that existing measures are still in need of improvement.

北国浪漫 ―日本文化人の満州の印象 (1909-1942)― Northern Romance: Manchuria in Japanese Literature and Film 1909-1942

Ying Guo (University of British Columbia)

日露戦争に勝利した日本は、1906年以降、中国東北部に進出し、そこに南満州鉄道会社から「満洲国」に至る、 経済的組織、政治的組織を作り上げた。徐々に拡大された政治的な版図は、二十世紀前半の日本文化人の前に、未知の魅力に溢れた新世界の窓を開いていた。作家夏目漱石は友人に誘われて満洲に行き、「曠野万里」の自然、「汚い」クーリーを冷ややかに眺めた。新興満洲都市大連に住んだ安西冬衛は溢れる想像力を発揮し、モダニズム詩人として文壇に登場した。左翼運動に敗れた映画理論家岩崎昶は満洲国の首都で日本人と満洲女性の恋愛物語を制作した。本発表は彼らの三つの作品を例として、20世紀半ばの日本文化人が満洲に抱いた印象について検討する。

After winning the Russo-Japanese War in 1906, Japan was able to progress forward in the northeast of China. Thereafter, new economic organizations and regime such as The South Manchuria Railway Corporation and Manchukuo were established one by one. In this gradually enlarged political map, the Japanese writers of that time found a new world in front of them filled with unknown and appeal. Invited by his friends, the famous novelist Natsume Soseki traveled to Manchuria and took notes about ‘the wildness of thousands of miles’ and the ‘dirty’ coolies in an indifferent tone. While Ansai Fuyuei, living in the newly born Manchurian cosmopolitan city called Dalian, filled his poems with the unlimited imagination and won literary fame as a poet of modernism. In addition, the famous film theorist Iwasaki Akira stepped on the Manchurian land after failed the Japanese proletarian cinematic movement. When working in the national policy film company of Manchukuo, he produced a film based on a love story between a Japanese new immigrant and a Manchurian girl. Through these three works differed in genre but common in the topic of Manchuria, I introduce how Manchuria impressed the Japanese intellectuals of the former half of the 20th century.

人形浄瑠璃の根本的テーマ ―心中― Fundamentals of Japanese Puppetry: The Love Suicide

Walter Hare (Washington University in St. Louis)


Japanese puppetry has a history spanning over a thousand years. In that time numerous styles such as two-man puppets and the “hako-mawashi” or “box puppets” have emerged, but none can compare to the enduring popularity of “ningyō jyōruri,” perhaps better known as bunraku. Owing to the creative genius of its most formative playwright from the early 17th century, Chikamatsu Monzaemon, it became Japan’s first middle-class oriented entertainment and continues to be performed to this day. And within this form of puppetry, the love suicide is without doubt the most emblematic and important. These dramatized versions of real events captivated Edo-era audiences, and continue to do so even now, hundreds of years later. For this presentation, I will briefly introduce the history and performance structure of jyōruri before giving an analysis of the love suicide.

アンテナショップとエスニックスーパー ―情報発信・ビジネス・異文化体験の側面から― Antenna shops and Ethnic supermarkets: From the perspective of business and crosscultural experiences

Nicole Hasbum (University of Tokyo)


Tourism studies rarely focus on understanding the similarities of different communities and how they engage in tourism and cultural identity. Antenna shops are part of tourism promotion and locations where regional products can be sold in greater metropolitan Tokyo. In this presentation I hope to examine the definition and the history of antenna shops and the transformations that rural tourism in Japan underwent. Through this discussion I will highlight the similarities of ethnic supermarkets in Canada and antenna shops in Japan.

哲学者と戦争協力 ―西田幾多郎の「世界新秩序の原理」― A Philosopher and Wartime Cooperation: Nishida Kitarō “Principle of the New World Order”

Joseph Henares (Ohio State University)


In 1943, Nishida Kitarō wrote an essay entitled “Principle of the New World Order,” a work that was requested by the Research Institute for National Policy and which later influenced Prime Minister Tōjō Hideki. Because of this, Nishida’s decision was criticized as wartime cooperation. In this presentation, I would like to investigate to what degree Nishida can be said to have cooperated with the war by means of this document. First, I will explain the background behind Nishida’s “Principle of the New World Order.” Next, I will elaborate on the internationalist and nationalist aspects of Nishida’s work. After this, I will present the version of “Principle of the New World Order” that was rewritten by Tanabe Juri, and will analyze the differences between this work and Nishida’s original. Since Tanabe’s version was later passed on to Tōjō Hideki, I will look into the influence of Tanabe’s version on Tōjō’s address to the National Diet in June of 1943, and on the Greater East Asia Conference. Lastly, I will offer some concluding thoughts about the extent of Nishida’s wartime cooperation.

「固有の領土」論をどう捉えるか ―日本の領土政策の問題点― Understanding the “Inherent Territory” Argument: Issues in Japan’s Territorial Policy

Christopher Hester (The Middlebury Institute of Int'l Studies)


The Inherent Territory Argument is a narrative employed by the Japanese government to justify its rights to territorial sovereignty. Comprised of rather abstract historical claims and diplomatic objectives, it is a strategic argument intended to strengthen the government’s official stance towards its contemporary border disputes. In response to the usage of the phrase “inherent territory”, the Japanese government has faced criticism at home and abroad. Recently, scholars and critics in international relations and border studies communities have fiercely debated the meaning of this obscure and ambiguous concept and what, if any, legal weight it has. In this presentation, I explain how the inherent territory argument has been constructed and synthesize materials of international relations scholars and official Japanese documents to illustrate the significance of this narrative within Japan’s political milieu.

今村昌平の映画 ―人間のはかり知れない可能性と不思議― Shohei Imamura’s Films: The Zany Possibilities and Wondrousness of Humankind

David Hogue (University of Chicago)


Active during the postwar period, Shohei Imamura was one of the most eminent Japanese directors of the twentieth century. According to Imamura, his films placed the “unremarkable people who lived in the lowest classes of society” in the role of protagonist, and through the figure of these characters “placed in adverse circumstances” and “enacting a desperate vitality in order to survive,” his films express “the zany possibilities and wondrousness of humankind.” This presentation will carry out a discussion of Imamura’s 1981 film “Eijanaika,” aiming to understand how this particular quality of “the zany possibilities and wondrousness of humankind” that Imamura names can be found in that film.

オブジェの思想 ―戦後日本の前衛と前衛の歴史的認識― Ideology of the Objet: Postwar Japanese Avant Gardes and Avant Garde Historical Consciousness

Stephanie Hohlios (University of California, Berkeley)


基地の「犠牲」―理論と実例― Military and Sacrifice: Theory and Example

Chu-Wen Hsieh (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)


This study introduces theories related to “sacrifice,” which is often mentioned in military base research and Okinawan news. Specifically, I refer to the U.S. military bases in Japan as examples. In anthropology, the most important part of “sacrifice,” which usually refers to the killing and offering of “animal sacrifice” (pigs, goats, etc.) in rituals, is the motive. Furthermore, the position of and the relationship between the sacrificer and the sacrificed also need to be considered.In this study, I focus on this sacrificer-sacrificed relationship, and through asking what is “sacrifice,” re-think the history and structure of the U.S. military bases in Japan.

ナミ ―LGBTの大学生の連絡アプリ― Nami: An App To Connect Japanese LGBT University Students

Aileen Huang.A (Yale University)


The prevailing Western notion that Japan is a sexually liberal society clashes with a cruel reality in which Japanese LGBT individuals are mired. Societal attitudes view queerness as other and unnatural, and the legal system is no better. Not only does the the law fail Japan’s LGBT population, but also hurts them. For example, coming out in the workplace often spells the end of LGBT adults’ careers because of a dearth of anti-discriminatory laws. Most horrifyingly, legal stipulation requires that transgender individuals who undergo a physical

transition also be castrated.

Although an estimated 7.6% of Japan’s population identifies as LGBT, the alienation of LGBT individuals has led to most of these individuals being deeply closeted and alone. In response to this, I've created Nami, an app that aims to help LGBT students connect with one another and share their experiences without fear or judgment. In this speech, I introduce the motivations behind working on a project like this and the technologies I leveraged.

儀式化された領土問題 ―「竹島の日」と日本人の政治意識― Ritnalized Hostilities: “Takeshima Day” and political attitudes in Japan

Pi-Cheng Huang.P (University of Virginia)


The annual event referred to as the “Takeshima Day,” through which Japan renews its territorial claim to Takeshima against South Korea, has just celebrated its 13th anniversary. While the ceremony has always triggered strong backlash in South Korea, to what extent has it influenced the political attitude of people in Japan? In this presentation, I first give an overview of people’s attitude towards the Takeshima-Dokdo issue in Japan and define the patterned and repetitive hostilities between territorially disputed states as “ritualized.” For the ease of understanding, one example of “ritualization” from East Asian international relations during the Cold War is provided. Having conducted a preliminary survey experiment to measure the effect of “ritualization” surrounding the “Takeshima Day,” I also report the results and discuss possibilities of further research.

移住者に対するアメリカ占領軍の姿勢と政策 The American Occupation’s Attitude and Policy Towards Migrants

Isadora Jaffee (Oberlin College)


Although an estimated 7.6% of Japan’s population identifies as LGBT, the alienation of LGBT individuals has led to most of these individuals being deeply closeted and alone. In response to this, I've created Nami, an app that aims to help LGBT students connect with one another and share their experiences without fear or judgment. In this speech, I introduce the motivations behind working on a project like this and the technologies I leveraged.

姿を変える女 ―江戸木版画における変身の記号学― Visual Signifiers of Transforming Women in Edo Woodblock Prints

Susie Kim (Columbia University)


Published during the three-year period from 1889 to 1892, New Forms of 36 Ghosts Selected (Shinkei sanjūroku kaisen) was the final polychrome woodblock print series of Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (c.1839-1892), the last great master of ukiyo-e. This print compilation of 36 demons and ghosts includes one image of Oiwa who was murdered by her husband and turned into a vengeful spirit in The Ghost Story of Yotsuya. In the print, however, Yoshitoshi did not portray Oiwa as a horrifying ghost with deformed face, but as a young, beautiful mother breastfeeding her baby while lying on a futon. The only visual signifier of her tragic death followed by her demonic transformation is the serpentine sash dangling from the folding screens, which strangely appears to be in conversation with Oiwa. The metaphors of horns, scales, and serpentine sashes were often utilized on the stage as well as in woodblock prints during the Edo period to expose the inherent demons in women. In this presentation, I introduce the visual signifiers of transforming demonic women found in selected Edo woodblock prints including Yoshitoshi’s The Ghost Story of Yotsuya. I explicate the process in which these metaphors were established to reveal the Edo people’s perspective on women.

戦中の資源不足と国内政策 Resource Scarcity and Wartime Policies in the Japanese Home Islands

Bradford Knappe (Harvard University)


Like other great powers, prior to the Pacific War Japan had come increasingly to rely on resources imported from abroad, from food to oil to the raw materials of industry. With its spectacular success in the first year of war, Japan gained unprecedented access to the region's resources, but quickly lost this access as the war turned against it. Soon, Japan was forced to rely on its own, domestic resources to meet its material needs. The reversion to self-sufficiency, and the additional pressure of wartime resource priorities, meant a very harsh situation in the home islands. Consequently, between 1943 and the surrender in 1945, a surprising variety of policies were implemented, and resource management strategies tested, for increasing efficiency, feeding the populace, finding substitute resources, and repurposing old things and places into new, vital uses. The results were complex, and often contradictory: in some ways, Japan drew on its traditional material culture, and in others innovated with sometimes quixotic new patterns of resource use. Some of the consequences were environmentally-devastating, while other policies were ecologically advanced. This presentation explores the linked human and environmental ramifications of resource scarcity in the home islands during wartime.

釣りによる日本の環境の変化 Sport Fishing and Japan’s Environmental Change

Andrew Kustodowicz (University of Kansas)

江戸時代には侍がニジマスを釣る光景はあり得なかった。なぜなら、江戸時代にニジマスやカワマスは日本の国内に存在しなかったからだ。しかしながら、1877年頃、日本の釣り人とイギリスの釣り協会の協力によって、マス系の卵が日本に運ばれ、日本のマス時代が始まった。その後、 日本は食物不足の状態になり、新たな食料として、日本の農水省はマスの養殖に興味を持ち始めた。そして、日本の国内に新しいマスの養殖場を建設し、マスは日本の生態系に大規模に導入された。この発表を通して、マス養殖の歴史を紹介しつつ、釣りと日本の近代化の関係を検討したいと思う。特に、釣りによって、日本の生態系が国際化されたことを明らかにしたいと思う。

During the Edo period, a samurai never caught a rainbow or brook trout. At the time, those species did not exist in Japan. Around 1877, however, a few interested Japanese anglers worked together with British fishing clubs to bring trout eggs to Japan. From those eggs, Japanese anglers established Japan’s trout farming system and the so called “age of trout.” As time progressed and Japan faced nationwide food shortages, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries began to view the trout farm system as a possible solution to the nation’s food problems. As a result, the ministry established a nationwide system of trout farms and introduced trout to the Japanese ecosystem on a large scale. This presentation aims to explain the history of trout farms in Japan and show the relationship between sport fishing and the modernization of Japan’s environment, particular the internationalization of Japan’s aquatic ecosystem.

日本の特別支援教育 ―課題と展望― Challenges and Prospects Facing Japan’s Special Needs Education System

Naomi Lattanzi (Stanford University)

1878年に東京で初めての盲啞院が設立されて以来、日本の特別支援教育制度は長い歴史を経て現在の制度へと進化してきた。特に、戦後の教育法改正は障害児と健常児の分離教育を進めた。その後も、学生の個人的支援を盛り込んだ統合教育の推進により、2015年には日本の公立学校の約68%が特別支援学級を併設するに至った。本発表では、実際に学習障害を抱える人への聞き取りから得た体験を交えて、 日本の特別支援教育の現在の課題と将来の可能性について述べてみようと思う。

Since the establishment of the first institute of education for the deaf and blind in Tokyo in 1878, Japan's special needs education system has grown and evolved. Although post-war Japan's laws enforced a policy of separate educational institutions for students with and without disabilities, activists have urged for integrated education that addresses all students' needs equally. As a result, 68% of Japanese public schools have come to offer classes for students with special needs. In this presentation, I will discuss Japan's current special needs education system and how it may continue to evolve.

住まいの文化 ―日本のプレハブ住宅業界― Housing Culture: Japan’s Prefabricated Housing Industry

Jessica LeClair (University of California, Santa Barbara)


Recently Japan has attracted attention abroad for the sophistication of its prefabricated housing industry. In Japanese housing factories, entire sections of homes can be constructed along assembly lines similar to car assembly lines. In this presentation, I consider the complex interplay between culture and house plans in the context of prefabricated housing. The underlying values of a culture produce house plans. At the same time, house forms reinforce and maintain cultural values. With the recent expansion of major Japanese prefabricated manufacturers into America, I consider how the cultural values represented in housing plans could be exported in a form of cultural exchange.

像内納入品としての印仏 ―仏教儀式の足跡と宗教の異文化交流― Inbutsu Statue Deposits: Traces of Buddhist Practice and Cross-Cultural Religious Exchange

Mary Lewine (University of California, Berkeley)


In this presentation on stamped and printed Buddha image statue deposits, I think about votive prints through a material culture framework and contextualize them as traces of religious practice. From the Heian period, Buddhists in medieval Japan deposited complex assemblages of precious objects into the cavities of their statues to consecrate and establish karmic bonds with the icons they worshipped. Through an analysis of three representative cases of inbutsu statue deposits recovered from 13th century statues at Kōfukuji, Gangōji, and Shōmyōji respectively, I demonstrate the value of these materials to art historical scholarship and study of Buddhist material culture. I suggest that extant inbutsu recovered from statues have importance not only as traces of a sacred economy, but also as indexes of the soteriological aspirations of Buddhists in medieval Japan.

乾降年間の内務府の資本活動 ―天津市王族の隆盛と衰退― Leading Operations of the Imperial Household During the Qianlong Reign

Bryan Lynch (Yale University)


This presentation examines the lending operations of the Qing Dynasty Imperial Household during its early reign (up to the Qianlong period) . For this purpose, imperial memorials collected from Taibei’s Forbidden City archive will be analyzed, and a story regarding the rise and fall of a certain Wang salt merchant clan from Tianjin will be presented. Through this case, observations about economic conditions during the early Qing reign, the relationship between the Imperial Household and its court appointed merchants, as well as the difficult decisions the Imperial Household faced when making loan terms and dealing with delinquency will be discussed in detail. In conclusion, an overall evaluation of the Imperial Household’s economic impact will be presented, along with a number of the institution’s flaws.

パール判事の異議 ―東京裁判における反論― Justice Pal’s Dissenting Opinion: The Argument Against the Tokyo Trial

Paolo Menuez (Portland State University)


In my presentation, I will be presenting on the dissenting opinion of Indian Jurist Justice Pal regarding the verdict of the Tokyo trial. My presentation will not touch on all aspects of his opinion. Only his criticism that the laws known as “crimes against the peace” and “crimes against humanity,” on which the Japanese leadership was tried, were created during 1945 and therefore well after the actual crimes had been committed. It is from this basis that he considered these laws to be ex post facto (occurring after the fact), and therefore invalid. My presentation will explain in detail the concept of an ex post facto law and then examine briefly the existence of a prohibition against ex post facto laws within the Japanese constitution itself. After that I will then raise some hypothetical ethical questions about what would happen if we were to follow the logic of the verdict to its fullest extent. If a law against aggressive war can be made in 1945 and then applied to actions that happened over a decade prior, how far back can aggressive war be prosecuted? Should the British be prosecuted for their war against the Chinese over opium in the 1850s, or should the Americans be prosecuted for their expansionist war in the Philippines 1890s? Justice Pal’s concerns raise important questions about the ambiguities of International law.

GHQ占領下における日本の看護教育 Nursing Education in Japan under SCAP

Erin Newton (University of Chicago)


In the post-war era under the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SCAP), Japan’s nursing education system underwent various changes. From 1946, the Nursing Education Council did things such as open nursing schools, publish new textbooks, and started re-education training programs aimed at improving nursing leadership. However, what kind of concrete meaning did these reforms have? This presentation compares textbooks written during the Second World War with those published in the post-war. The objective is to come to understand those nurses’ education through an analysis of textbooks made by SCAP.

現代日本における外国人労働者 Foreign Workers in Japan

Jasmine Ortlieb (Pitzer College)


This presentation outlines Japan’s immigration policy, focusing on the current conditions of three most prevalent groups of foreign workers in Japan. The issues reported on labor law violations and racism, and problems raised by experts in recent years provide substantial evidence of the unstable position foreign workers occupy. As a country relying on foreign labor, Japan’s immigration policies continue to gather international attention as a world superpower. Considering this background and the situation for foreign workers in Japan, this presentation also explores possible improvements in the implementation of support and policies.

商業美術と実験映画の狭間 ―60年代の日本実験アニメーション― Between Graphic Design and Experimental Cinema: Japanese Experimental Animation in the 1960s

Hsin-Yuan Peng (Yale University)

「アニメーション」という用語自体がまだ定着する前に、「アニメーション三人の会」という60年代に活躍したグループをはじめとして、 多彩な自主制作のアニメーション活動が盛んになってきた。こうした個人制作のアニメーションは商業主義を代表する大規模分業の制作体制と異なり、商業美術と密接に結びつき、多くのデザイナーがアニメーション業界に寄与することとなったのである。本発表は、こうした傾向に注目し、アニメーションにおけるグラフィックデザイナーの役割を検討する。デザイナーによって制作されたアニメーションの分析を通じ、「アニメーション」という言葉を再認識したい。

Before “animation” became an established term in Japanese cultural discourses, a wide variety of experimental animations were made and shown in the 1960s at the legendary Sōgetsu Art Center. As an independent film practice, Japanese experimental animation distinguished itself from the systematic studio production as represented by Disney, but was closely connected to commercial arts, especially graphic design and advertisement. Through close analysis of animations made by Japanese graphic designers, this presentation focuses on the affinity between graphic design and experimental animation in Japan to examine what “animation” means in the specific historical context of cross-cultural exchange and transmedial interplay.

セヤー・コレクション「厨子」―明治期における収集の流行の分析― The Thayer Zushi: Deconstructing Early Meiji Collecting Habits

Rachel Quist (University of Kansas)


In 1917, Kansas City art collector Sallie Casey Thayer donated a foundational collection to the University of Kansas’ Spencer Museum of Art. Among the objects donated was a black lacquer palace-style zushi, which later appeared in the Spencer Museum’s centennial exhibition, Civic Leader and Art Collector: Sallie Casey Thayer and an Art Museum for KU (October, 2017 to February, 2018).This presentation addresses the Thayer zushi in the context of the collecting trends of the Meiji period concurrent to Mrs. Thayer’s activities as a collector. Examining the place that materiality and religious content played in capturing the imagination of Western collectors of Japanese art, I aim to isolate the features of this object that drew Mrs. Thayer’s attention. Through the study of Japanese imagery collected by Westerners during the Meiji period, much can be understood about the cultural interchange between Japan and the West in the years following the dissolution of Sakoku policy.

沖縄詩人 山之口貘 Yamanokuchi Baku: An Okinawan Poet

Hilson Reidpath (University of Hawaii at Manoa)


Today we consider Okinawa to be a part of Japan without a second thought, but of course it was not always this way. In fact during the time of the Ryukyu Kingdom it was its own independent kingdom with its own government and culture. However, after the kingdom was formally dismantled and annexed during Meiji Restoration, how much of that independent nature remained? This presentation will discuss Okinawan literature as a means to consider to what degree Ryukyu resonates within modern Okinawan society. In particular it will focus on the work of Yamanokuchi Baku to introduce Okinawa’s social and economic background at the turn of the century as well as discuss the notion of identity for Okinawans in 20th century Japan.

「金毘羅」―神、小説、思想― “Konpira”: God, Novel, Mindset

Alan Reiser (Indiana University)


Today I will introduce what I call “The Kompira mindset” based on Shōno Yoriko’s novel Kompira (2004). After a very a brief introduction of the author and her work, I will outline the novel and distill its central message. In Kompira, the protagonist, also named Shōno Yoriko, takes up the titular role of the syncretic god, Kompira, imported from India and taking up residence in Japan as patron god of sailors. The result of this strange first-person fusion author-god, Shōno offers a way of looking at one’s own self-creation as assembled from the artifacts of ossified tradition and contemporary culture. Shōno thus presents herself as a model for creating one’s unique way of being, while maintaining deep connections with one’s “parent culture” and current milieu. Shōno’s Kompira is thus simultaneously a metamorphic god, a first-person confessional novel, and a way of life.

日本の「同盟切り離し」に対しての対応 Japan’s Response to Alliance Decoupling

Benjamin Rimland (University of Oxford)


2018 finds Northeast Asia at a perilous balance. With summit diplomacy on the Korean peninsula looming, the mercurial nature of the Trump administration is injecting uncertainty into Japan’s defense planning process. Particularly, the prospect that the United States may draw down US forces stationed on the Korean peninsula in exchange for an agreement to eliminate the North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile arsenal has raised fears in Tokyo that the common interests of the US and Japan could be decoupled. Utilizing data collected in interviews with ministry of defense officials, as well as primary source investigation, this presentation explains how, through a combination of personal flattery of President Trump and capacity building of the Japan Self-Defense Forces, Japan is both “hugging” the United States and hedging against any possible decoupling.

体操競技と東京2020年五輪のマーケティング戦略 Artistic Gymnastics and the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Strategy

Hayley Rothman (Vassar College)


In the modern era in which the economic hardship of hosting the Olympic Games has only grown, the specific strategies used by host nations to market the games to international and domestic audiences play a vital role in obtaining the desired social and economic impacts of the event. In this presentation, I will analyze the application of Artistic Gymnastics as an effective marketing tool for the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games. In particular, I will use the first-class United States Women’s Artistic Gymnasts and Japanese Men’s Artistic Gymnastics teams as case studies to illustrate the ways in which the sport of Gymnastics is applied as a marketing tool.

日韓の歴史認識の乖離 The Divergence of Historical Memory between Japan and South Korea

Stephanie Sakuma (University of Tokyo)


Japan and South Korea continue to struggle to achieve historical reconciliation. This presentation seeks to help its audience understand how deeply the two nations are divided in terms of historical memory, and how important it is to repair this divide in order to facilitate reconciliation.

「クールジャパン」と「韓流」文化現象 ―日韓関係と相互認識― The Cultural Phenomena “Cool Japan” and the “Korean Wave”: Japan-Korea Relations and Respective Perceptions

Sabine Schulz (University of Chicago)


In recent years, the transnational cultural phenomena termed “Cool Japan” and the “Korean Wave” have increased international awareness of Japan and Korea respectively through the dissemination of popular culture. Particularly, Korean idols, the de facto representatives of the “Korean Wave,” have amassed both positive and negative attention due to their partial penetration of Japan’s contemporary popular culture. However, it is still unclear whether the strategic export of culture can serve to increase a country’s soft power and brand internationally, and to what extent these phenomena influence Japanese-Korean relations and the nations’ respective perceptions of each other. This presentation aims to introduce the phenomena “Cool Japan” and the “Korean Wave,” analyze and compare relevant data, and examine the influences and effects of these phenomena.

能楽への招待 ―フィールドワークからわかる伝統芸能の世界― An Invitation to Nōgaku, Understanding the World of Traditional Performing Arts Through Fieldwork

Jane Traynor (University of Alberta)


Are the kata (forms) of traditional theatre really as fixed as people seem to think they are? How can your relationship with your teacher shape your art? What is it like being a woman in a theatre predominantly occupied by men? These are just some of the questions I was able to find answers to by reaching out to practitioners of nōgaku. While books obviously provide researchers with a wealth of knowledge, there are some aspects which may not come to light unless someone is there asking the right questions. In today’s presentation, I would like to share with you some of the most powerful experiences I have had after taking my research from the page to the stage.

在日台湾人と無国籍問題 Zainichi Taiwanese and the Problem of Denationalization

Catherine Tsai (Harvard University)


According to the Japanese government, the population of Zainichi Taiwanese number around 54,000. When and why did these Taiwanese make Japan their permanent residence? Considering that Taiwan is not a de-jure country, what is the status of their nationality? To understand the complexities of nationality for the Zainichi Taiwanese population, this presentation will focus on three transitional eras: the Colonial Period, the Postwar Period, and Okinawa Reversion. Domestic and international shifts in these three periods subjected the Taiwanese population in Japan to various changes in legal status. From this, this presentation will elucidate the contradictions between nationality and identity.

建部綾足と「折々草」 Takebe Ayatari and Oriorigusa

Catherine Turley (University of Colorado Boulder)


「カラーラインの中のカラーライン」 ―W. E. B. デュボイスの視点から― “The Color Line Within the Color Line” -W.E.B. Du Bois and Race in the Pacific

Alan Williams (University of Washington)


The African American historian and social activist W.E.B. Du Bois stubbornly supported the Japanese Empire until its surrender in 1945. Many scholars point out that his error in judgment in supporting the colonizer over the colonized is due to how he thought about race. However, in 1945 he criticized the policy of the Japanese Empire. The “Asiatic caste system under a ‘superior’ Japanese race was no acceptable exchange for Western exploitation,” he said. Thus, a puzzle remains. Why did Du Bois, even if he knew the Japanese Empire was violent, support it? I would like to explain the two primary factors as well as Du Bois’ doubts toward Japan.

句題和歌における漢詩受容 ―慈円と定家― “Adaptation” of Sinitic Poetry in Kudai waka (Waka on Lines from Chinese Poems) by Jien and Teika

Miaoling Xue (University of British Columbia)


Kudai waka is the reinterpretation of a line or several lines of Sinitic poetry (kanshi) in waka poetry. Lines from Tang poet Bai Juyi’s (772–846) poems were frequently used in the practice of kudai waka. This presentation illustrates how Jien and Teika took inspiration from Bai Juyi’s satirical poem (fengyu shi) “Inauspicious House (Xiong zhai shi)” and composed kudai waka.

In addition to kudai waka, Bai’s poems, especially his satirical poems, are also woven into the narratives in The Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari, early eleventh century) and The Rise and Decline of Tamatsukuri Komachi (Tamatsukuri Komachishi sōsuisho, ca. eleventh–twelfth century), often employed to lament the impermanence of life and make veiled criticism of the luxurious lives of noble families. Although the use of Bai’s poems in The Tale of Genji has been examined by previous studies, the satirical poems in kudai waka received little attention. In this presentation, I focus on the waka of Jien and Teika to analyze the differences between kudai waka “adaptations” of “Inauspicious House” and those of other genres. I argue that the kudai waka of Jien and Teika use the topic provided by a line from “Inauspicious House” to create a waka world in which an individual’s impression of nature is predominant, thus diverging from the satirical theme. This presentation shows a way to rethink the definition of “adaptation” in discussing the Sino-Japanese intertextual transculturation in Jien’s and Teika’s kudai waka. I argue this is essential for understanding the different phases of the establishment of waka as a genre.

Kudai waka is the reinterpretation of a line or several lines of Sinitic poetry (kanshi) in waka poetry. Lines from Tang poet Bai Juyi’s (772–846) poems were frequently used in the practice of kudai waka. This presentation illustrates how Jien and Teika took inspiration from Bai Juyi’s satirical poem (fengyu shi) “Inauspicious House (Xiong zhai shi)” and composed kudai waka.

In addition to kudai waka, Bai’s poems, especially his satirical poems, are also woven into the narratives in The Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari, early eleventh century) and The Rise and Decline of Tamatsukuri Komachi (Tamatsukuri Komachishi sōsuisho, ca. eleventh–twelfth century), often employed to lament the impermanence of life and make veiled criticism of the luxurious lives of noble families. Although the use of Bai’s poems in The Tale of Genji has been examined by previous studies, the satirical poems in kudai waka received little attention. In this presentation, I focus on the waka of Jien and Teika to analyze the differences between kudai waka “adaptations” of “Inauspicious House” and those of other genres. I argue that the kudai waka of Jien and Teika use the topic provided by a line from “Inauspicious House” to create a waka world in which an individual’s impression of nature is predominant, thus diverging from the satirical theme. This presentation shows a way to rethink the definition of “adaptation” in discussing the Sino-Japanese intertextual transculturation in Jien’s and Teika’s kudai waka. I argue this is essential for understanding the different phases of the establishment of waka as a genre.

Kudai waka is the reinterpretation of a line or several lines of Sinitic poetry (kanshi) in waka poetry. Lines from Tang poet Bai Juyi’s (772–846) poems were frequently used in the practice of kudai waka. This presentation illustrates how Jien and Teika took inspiration from Bai Juyi’s satirical poem (fengyu shi) “Inauspicious House (Xiong zhai shi)” and composed kudai waka.

In addition to kudai waka, Bai’s poems, especially his satirical poems, are also woven into the narratives in The Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari, early eleventh century) and The Rise and Decline of Tamatsukuri Komachi (Tamatsukuri Komachishi sōsuisho, ca. eleventh–twelfth century), often employed to lament the impermanence of life and make veiled criticism of the luxurious lives of noble families. Although the use of Bai’s poems in The Tale of Genji has been examined by previous studies, the satirical poems in kudai waka received little attention. In this presentation, I focus on the waka of Jien and Teika to analyze the differences between kudai waka “adaptations” of “Inauspicious House” and those of other genres. I argue that the kudai waka of Jien and Teika use the topic provided by a line from “Inauspicious House” to create a waka world in which an individual’s impression of nature is predominant, thus diverging from the satirical theme. This presentation shows a way to rethink the definition of “adaptation” in discussing the Sino-Japanese intertextual transculturation in Jien’s and Teika’s kudai waka. I argue this is essential for understanding the different phases of the establishment of waka as a genre.

山川菊栄 ―戦後の活動に焦点を当てて― Yamakawa Kikue: Post-war Activities

Jier Yang.J (Stanford University)

山川菊栄 (1890-1980) は日本の社会主義的フェミニストであるが、評論家、歴史家の顔も持つ。彼女は教育および職業における男女同権、男女および植民地人に共通の賃金、政府による母性保護などの権利を主張した。本発表は山川の戦後の活動を中心に、彼女の実践家としての貢献を論じる。まず山川の歴史家としての成功を紹介し、次に婦人少年局長時代の仕事と、自ら創設した雑誌『婦人のこえ』がもたらした影響を述べる。最後に、山川が発足させた日本婦人問題懇話会の功績を紹介する。

Yamakawa Kikue (1890-1980) is one of the most influential Japanese socialist writers in the 20th century. She advocated for equal opportunities in education and employment, equal minimum wage regardless of sex or ethnicity, and state protection for mothers. In this speech, I will focus on her activities after World War II. Yamakawa’s influence stretches across a vast scope of organizations and projects. As an award winning historian, she wrote histories that kept the perspectives of women and other disenfranchised groups visible. She served as the head of the bureau of women and children where she promoted women’s rights and ensured that the bureau was run by women for women. Her magazine Fujin no koe was in print for 8 years and gave women a chance to consider and discuss issues affecting them in the working world. She even co-founded Nihon fujinmondai konwa-kai, a women’s organization that encouraged conversation about women’s problems and fostered activists and scholars. Ultimately, her activism went hand-in-hand with her scholarship to create an individual who dedicated her entire life to the betterment of women.

山姥の一生 A Biography of Yamanba


朝鮮における雑居の形成と日中関係 (1876年―1895年) Mixed Residencies in the Late Chosen Dynasty and Sino-Japanese relations (1876-1895)

Xiaoyi Ze (University of British Columbia)


Mixed Residencies in the Late Chosǒn Dynasty and Sino-Japanese Relations (1876-1895) The Treaty of Kanghwa signed after the Un'yō Incident in 1876 has been understood as a turning point in the history of Japanese-Korean relations: it symbolized the demise of the Japanese-Korean kōrin (交隣) relationship, introduced Korea to the world order of international law, and initiated a new era in Japan's relationship with Korea. One major outcome for Japan in the Treaty of Kanghwa was the flow of Japanese settlers to the Korean peninsula, who not only acquired the rights to trade, but also to own land and property. Following Meiji Japan’s domestic discussions on gaichizakkyo (外地雑居), Japanese mixed residency in Chosǒn Korea was usually regarded as a preparation for Japan's annexation of Korea. Nevertheless, large areas of mixed residency in the peninsula were initiated by Qing China through Sino-Korean Regulations for Maritime and verland Trade (1882), and then by the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce Between Great Britain and Korea (1883). Rather than saying that Japan prompted a colonial policy over Chosŏn Korea, by the end of the Sino-Japanese War in 1895, the mixed residency issues were reflections of the competition for power between Meiji Japan and Qing China over the Korean peninsula.

高等教育における中間層学習者のための教育実践 Educational Cases for Average Student in Higher Education

Yining Zhong (University of Colorado Boulder)


“Top students’’ and “Poor Students” are always mentioned when evaluating students into groups. In the field of educational research, compared to these two groups, average students are almost neglected by scholars. In other words, although the proportion of average students is more than half, not many people pay attention to them. Therefore, according to examples from higher education in Japan,America and China, my presentation indicates the importance of improving the abilities of average students.

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Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies