Summary of Final Oral Presentation 2011-2012

南極条約体制について An Overview of the Antarctica Treaty System


グローバル化された密売 Globalized Illicit Traffic


「宗教」とは - 既成概念の再考 Rethinking Common Preconceptions of “Religion”

Kyle Bond (University of Washington)


The problematic of “defining religion” in Religious Studies is often used as a pedagogical device, but it is also an area of ongoing debate. After introducing the issue, this presentation moves the discussion to the context of Meiji Japan, where the word “religion” appears for the first time in diplomatic documents. Pressed to translate the term, but having no equivalent in the Japanese language, Japanese officials experimented with neologisms, eventually settling on the term “shuu-kyou.” Notice that the coinage of “shuu-kyou” marks not only the introduction of a new word to the Japanese vocabulary, but also it marks the importation of a new concept, affording new ways to categorize and understand the world. Entering the post war period, the ripple effects of the splash of this new concept can be seen in the debate, which has surfaced around the question of “Are the Japanese people religious?” Survey data on this issue are ambiguous. As one might expect, the whole issue seems to depend on how religion is defined. To begin to get beyond some of the difficulties imbedded in this issue, it becomes necessary to face some common preconceptions of the meaning of “religion.”

口語体キリシタン資料の文章について:中世末期日本語の紹介 Late Middle Japanese as Preserved in the 16th-Century Jesuit Materials

Fredrick Bowman (Ohio State University)


Languages all undergo diachronic change, and Japanese is no exception. The Early Middle Japanese of Heian aristocratic literature typified by the Genji Monogatari and the Makura no Sōshi is already not as it was in the setsuwa collections of the Insei and early Kamakura periods, and the myriad versions of the Heike Monogatari evidence yet further change. In the Muromachi period there are three main sources for examples of colloquial Late Middle Japanese: Kyōgen, Shōmono, and the Christian materials of the late 16th century, in particular vernacular translations of the Heike and of Aesop's fables. These latter are of particular importance for the diachronic study of Japanese, particularly its historical phonology, though no less so for questions of verbal morphology and syntax.

古典籍の大都市 東京 Tokyo:Capital of Old Books

Daniel Burton-Rose (Princeton University)


Tokyo occupies a unique place in the world of pre-modern and early modern East Asian texts: not only does it host many of the most impressive collections of such texts, some dozen of shops specialize in traditional books in the Jimbōchō district. In this presentation I will: outline the development of “print culture” in East Asia and problematize the phrase itself; describe five of the major collections of old works in Tokyo; and introduce the specialized terminology of traditional East Asian bibliography.

日本の隠れキリシタンとマリア観音 Japan's Hidden Christians and the Maria Kannon

Miriam Cho (Yale University)


Japan's “Hidden Christians” refers to Japanese Christians from the sixteenth century when Christianity was first introduced in Japan, but later forced to go into hiding under the persecution during the Tokugawa Shogunate, With the establishment of religious freedom in the Meiji Period 200 years later, these hidden Christians finally reemerged, but their faith had dramatically changed, having adopted various Buddhist and Shinto aspects. One example is the figurine of Maria Cannon, a fusion of the Holy Mary of Christianity and the Compassionate Mother Bodhisattva of Buddhism. This presentation will consider the commonalities between the two figures as a background to understanding the overall transformation of Japan's Hidden Christians.

岐路に立つマイクロファイナンス Microfinance at a Crossroads

Cliff Cohn (Vanderbilt University)


The relatively young microfinance industry has long surpassed its many initial naysayers and blossomed into a multibillion dollar industry, empowering millions of impoverished individuals throughout the world. Despite its vast accomplishments in just over 30 years, the industry's future remains a heated topic of debate. The continued existence of microfinance is certain, but exactly in what form has yet to be determined. In the past few years many microfinance organizations have shifted their business model to attract private sector financing, and in some instances, the founders of such institutions have amassed millions in personal gains in the process.

経済活動に対するイメージの日米比較:M&Aをめぐる法的・文化的言説を中心に Contrasting Toward Economic Activity in the US + Japan: the Case of M&A in Legal + Culture Discourse

Alex Coley (Stanford University)



Vulture funds, corporate raiders, “abusive” acquirers - these are some of the more illustrative terms pervading economic discourse in post-bubble Japan. In this presentation, I present a comparative study of US-Japan attitudes towards hostile M&A, focusing on Japanese reactions to Livedoor-NBS incident and other takeover battles, drawing comparisons with Wall Street of the 1980s as the financial industry underwent fundamental structural change.

代替エネルギーの将来性 Alternative Energy


説話文学に見られる平安から鎌倉期の立山信仰の変遷 The Transition of Mount Tale Religion as Seen in Setsuwa Literature from Heian to Kamakura

Allison Darmody (Indiana University)


Rather than analyzing survey data measuring sentiment towards new M&A practices, I draw upon a series of court decisions ruling on the validity of hostile takeover defenses (e.g., the “poison pill”) to illuminate attitudes towards economic activity more broadly. In addition to these judicial opinions, I take a further interest in stereotypes towards “American-style” capitalism found in Japanese news and entertainment.

小説翻訳の苦心(Glenn Lashleyとの共同発表) The Trials and Tribulations of Translation

Thomas Derbish (Williams College)


In order to better understand the challenges faced by literary translators, we attempted to translate into English the short stories “Shinjuku Confidential” and “Judgment at Norikoshi Station” by Japanese author Tsutsui Yasutaka. Through our experiences, we learned many of the difficulties inherent in translating novels and other forms of fiction, and we were forced to come up with ways to overcome those problems. We labored to grasp the author's intent, to preserve his creative vision and the spirit of the original, and to create a final product that affects the reader the same way in English as the original does in Japanese. In doing so, we learned that these struggles are also the true joy of translation.

侍の神話を甦らせる:男性像と明治時代の国家形成 Reviving the Myth of the Samurai: Masculinity and the Formation of the Modern Meiji State

Elliott Eaton (Yale University)




This presentation will examine the period before and after the 1868 Meiji Restoration, considering shifts in the kind of behavior considered “masculine” and the usefulness of masculinity in the formation of nationhood. Though the samurai class and its legal privileges were dissolved shortly after the Meiji Restoration, the image of the samurai was later utilized as propaganda to proclaim a uniquely Japanese brand of masculinity. This image of the samurai was carefully purged of its feudalistic and barbaric connotations to serve as a pragmatic symbol of strong, loyal subjects the newly formed Japanese Empire demanded for its militaristic expansion.

Specific topics addressed in detail include male-male sexual practices among Satsuma samurai, the search for the icon of a modern man in the early years of Meiji, and the images of prudently re-imagined samurai in military propaganda.

視聴覚メディア翻訳理論 Audiovisual Translation Theory

Eike Exner (University of Southern California)


What is audiovisual translation theory? In this presentation I shall discuss the ways in which audiovisual translation differs from the translation of written texts, and examine the issues that arise from said differences. These issues can be divided into the three categories of untranslatable non-linguistic elements, problematic cross-referencing between linguistic and non-linguistic elements, and over-abundance of meaning. Using concrete examples, I will then give a brief overview and explanation of each of the categories.

木下恵介の「二十四の瞳」におけるヒューマニズムと戦争責任について  Kinoshita Keisuke's “Twenty-Four Eyes” Innocence, Vulnerability and the Cinematic Recollection of World War Ⅱ

Matthew Fellows (University of California, Los Angeles)



Many Japanese World War II films of the 1950s expressed antiwar and antimilitaristic messages through a humanist appeal to the value of human life. In 1950s cinema, the humanist representation of Japanese citizens as victims of the war and of militarism replaced complex reflections of wartime Japan. Kinoshita Keisuke's “Twenty-Four Eyes” (1954) is a classic example of the representation of Japanese citizens as victims of the war and of the spread of militarism. Through an analysis of “Twenty-Four Eyes”, I intend to discuss how the characterization of students as innocent and vulnerable youths denied them of responsibility for their wartime actions and oversimplified the context and conditions of the war.

総合的漢字学習への一歩 ―小学校教科書を手がかりとして― Comprehensive Kanji Leaning: what elementary school can teach us

Paul Ganir (Stanford University)


Kanji, containing shape, sound, and meaning, represent one of most formidable barriers to learning the Japanese language. This fact is evident in the various kanji instruction methods devised especially for learners coming from non-kanji backgrounds. On the other hand, Japanese elementary schoolchildren, having no kanji knowledge to start with and facing the same kanji barrier, all acquire command of kanji. This presentation examines the materials used for kanji learning by non-kanji area learners and Japanese schoolchildren and presents a potentially more efficient kanji learning method.

古代墳墓の不思議な世界-キトラ古墳と高松塚古墳の壁画の信仰的な定義の検討 World for the Dead - Examining the Significance of the Kitora and Takamatsuzuka Kofun Wall Paintings

Carl Gellert (University of California, Berkeley)

発掘された古墳時代の墳墓の中で、キトラ古墳と高松塚古墳が特異である。発掘時、考古学者はその古墳の石室の壁や天井に人間・動物の姿・星座が描かれているのを見つけた。キトラと高松塚は8世紀初頭に作られたと考えられ、壁画の技巧の質が6−7世紀の墓葬図像より高い 。それに、キトラと高松塚の壁画は大陸の作画技法と信仰に関する図像を示している。現在の研究はその絵画のルーツと保存対策に強調している。しかし、キトラと高松塚の研究をさらに深めれば日本の7世紀の文化はもっと分かるようになる。本発表では、特にその壁画の分析で大陸から導入された道教や仏教の画像がどのように日本の葬送儀礼の習慣に採用され、どうやって伝統的な死、つまりあの世の理解に影響を与えたかがもっと明らかになるであろう。

Within the field of Japanese Kofun period archaeology, two of the most remarkable late-period tombs that have been excavated are the Kitora and Takamatsuzuka sites. Within these kofun, archaeologists discovered extensive murals of human and animal figures, as well as an astronomical star map, painted on the walls and ceiling of the burial chambers. Both Kitora and Takamatsuzuka are believed to have been constructed in the early 8th c. The murals, when compared with wall paintings within 6th and 7th c. kofun, not only display a greater level of craftsmanship, but also reflect the use of mainland Asian painting techniques and religious iconographical forms. Thus far research of Kitora and Takamatsuzuka has focused on tracing the possible continental origins of the tombs' painted imagery, and on discovering methods for the continued preservation of the murals. However, further study of the wall paintings may also lend to a greater understanding of Japanese 7th culture. In my presentation I will discuss the use Confucian and Buddhist imagery at Kitora and Takamatsuzuka, and examine how the paintings within these tombs reflect changes in burial practices, as well as the Japanese concept death and the afterlife, during Japan's Asuka period.

戦国時代の政略結婚と養子縁組における人質としての役割について The Role of Political Marriages and Adoptions in Providing Hostages During the Sengoku Period

Megan Gilbert (Yale University)

日本の戦国時代には、人間関係が政治や外交に大きい影響を与えた。人質が多く交換されたが、人質という言葉を使わない「嫁」や「養子」も実は人質の役割を果たした。 この「人質としての婚姻・養子関係」が戦国時代の有名な政略結婚の一部に見える。そのような人間関係を研究すれば、戦国時代の家族に関する価値観だけではなく、統治の戦略も分かると思う。戦国時代末までに、秀吉・家康が平和と自分の力を守るために、自由に結婚・養子縁組をすることや勝手に人質を獲得することを禁止したので、当時の支配者は縁組の力を理解していたようだ。彼らの時代を理解するために、私たちも考えるべきだ。

During the Sengoku era in Japan, individual relationships exerted a great influence on politics and foreign relations. Hostages were frequently exchanged, and wives and adopted children played the role of hostage without the name. This "hostage marriage/adoption" can be seen as a subset of the famous "marriage politics" of the Sengoku era. If we study such relationships, not only the family values of the era, but also the strategies of governance may become clearer. By the end of Sengoku, Hideyoshi and Ieyasu had outlawed both marriage and adoption without prior permission, as well as the taking of hostages for one's own purposes, so the powerful of the time clearly understood the power of family bonds. In order to understand their time, we, too, should consider it.

近世大坂警察組織 Early Modern Osaka Police Organization

Ryan Glasnovich (University of Illinois)


Historically, governments have struggled to maintain law and order in their societies. During the Edo Period (1600-1868), the Tokugawa shogunate was no exception. Accordingly, the Edo government established police systems in the major cities under its control. In the case of Osaka, a system involving samurai was put in place. However, the number of available warriors proved insufficient, and people outside of society also took on many important responsibilities. These outcasts were known as “hinin,” and they played a vital role in maintaining social order.

「うつし世は夢、夜の夢こそまこと」~江戸川乱歩の世界 Reality Is a Dream, Dreaming, Itself, Reality ~the World of Edogawa Rampo~

April Goehrke (New York University)


Edogawa Ranpo is the pen name of Hirai Tarou, based on the Japanese pronunciation of Edgar Alan Poe. Ranpo, born 1894-death 1965, is most famous for his detective fiction. However, he did not only did he write detective novels, but also short stories of the grotesque as well as children's literature. Ranpo, who lived from the Meiji through the Showa periods, remains popular even today—but why? What is Ranpo's charm that remains even today? Perhaps it has to do with the relationship between the narrator (that is, Ranpo himself) and the reader. Today, I would like to further explore the charm of Ranpo's narrators and the reader's attraction to them.

日本の外交政策立案過程:国内政治と外圧 Japan's Foreign Policymaking Process: Domestic Politics and Foreign Pressure

Kristi Govella (University of California, Berkeley)


In this presentation, I discuss the relationship between domestic politics and foreign pressure (gaiatsu) in the Japanese foreign policymaking process. Japan is often characterized as a reactive state that changes its policies primarily in response to external pressure from the United States. However, scholars have come to understand that what appears to be “foreign” pressure is sometimes used as a tool by Japanese domestic actors such as bureaucracies and firms seeking to further their own policy goals. I illustrate this phenomenon using negotiations over software intellectual property rights regulation as an example and conclude by outlining my plans for future research in this area. Examination of Japan's foreign policy negotiations has the potential to provide us with a better understanding of the country's changing international role, and more broadly, the dynamics of policymaking in an increasingly globalized world.

海外からの看護師に対する日本語教育 The Japanese Language Education of Nurses from Abroad

Mofiz Haque (Stanford University)


In 2008, between Indonesia and Japan, an Economic Partnership Agreement was enacted. As a part of the agreement, nurses from Indonesia are permitted entry into Japan. Starting in 2009, a similar agreement with the Philippines was completed. As a result, nurses from the Philippines also started to enter Japan. While working at hospitals in Japan, the nurses aimed to pass the National Nursing Examination for licensure in Japan. For the entering nurses, prior to coming to Japan, six months of Japanese language education was compulsory. While assigned to hospitals in Japan, the nurses continued Japanese language study; in addition, studying, in Japanese, nursing subject matter as preparation of the National Nursing Examination. Upon passing the National Nursing Examination, permanent resident status was a possibility. The content of the six month Japanese language curriculum, test results and obstacles related to second language acquisition are presented.

岡田茉莉子における女優像の問題 The Problem of the Image of the Actress via Okada Mariko


妖怪文化 Yōkai Culture

Laura Inch (Tufts University)


In Japan, yōkai are supernatural monsters of traditional folklore, used in cautionary tales or to explain various phenomena. In recent years, however, there has been a boom in the depiction of yōkai in media, ranging from the popular media of novels, movies, anime, and manga, to academic scholarship and exhibitions. Given the ambiguous nature of these monsters, often shape-shifters that represent the indefinable, transformative, and the unknown, the exploding popularity of the yōkai in contemporary society is intriguing. In this presentation, I propose the reasoning that the creation and escalation of the yōkai reflects a growing feeling of uncertainty of identity present in postmodern society. I argue that yōkai, at once an embodiment of the indefinable and mysterious, and yet also a product of the human mind and imagination, are expressions of crises of the self, a self which is just as hard to grasp as the yōkai themselves, a self which has become harder to identify and understand in the contemporary era.

より正確な翻訳ソフトの開発 Developing More Accurate Translation Software

Justin Jeffress (California State University, Northridge)


The Computer is arguably one of mankind's greatest inventions. It has enriched many facets of our daily lives. You may then ask, “If the computer is so revolutionary, why does most translation software get it completely wrong?” As a person I ask myself this question. As a Computer Scientist, I'm striven to solve it. While working as a Software Engineer and studying Japanese I noticed that there are many syntactical similarities between programming languages and Japanese. I've developed a theory that I strongly feel will lead to a more accurate Japanese translator. In this presentation, I will present that theory.

浮世絵師鈴木春信の「座敷八景」についての考察 Pleasure and Allusion in Suzuki Harunobu's “Eight Parlor Vie”


地芝居における演出と「儀礼」性・「芸能」性 Performance Techniques, “Ritual” and “Art” in Performances of Ji-shibai (Rural Kabuki)

Michael Kushell (University of California, Berkeley)


Geinō (performing arts) and girei (ritual) have often been respectively understood as the point of origin and result of a historical process, in which girei, religious or customary events or actions performed among a single community, progresses into geinō through the addition of a third-person point of view and the emergence of aesthetic appreciation and criticism. Viewing the performance of ji-shibai (amateur kabuki performed as an offering at local matsuri festivals) not as a static environment easily classifiable as either girei or geinō, but as a dynamic system constantly transitioning within the girei – geinō spectrum, this presentation will focus on the role of kabuki performance techniques as one of the many elements that determine a performance's nature.

小説翻訳の苦心(Thomas Derbishとの共同発表) The Trials and Tribulations of Translation

Glenn Lashley (University of Michigan)


In order to better understand the challenges faced by literary translators, we attempted to translate into English the short stories “Shinjuku Confidential” and “Judgment at Norikoshi Station” by Japanese author Tsutsui Yasutaka. Through our experiences, we learned many of the difficulties inherent in translating novels and other forms of fiction, and we were forced to come up with ways to overcome those problems. We labored to grasp the author's intent, to preserve his creative vision and the spirit of the original, and to create a final product that affects the reader the same way in English as the original does in Japanese. In doing so, we learned that these struggles are also the true joy of translation.

ヘッジファンドは社会的に付加価値を生みますか Are Hedge Funds Good for Society?

Sonia Livdahl (Wesleyan University)


Often reviled as greedy, self-serving, and even the instigators of financial crises, what – if any – value do such institutions such as hedge funds add to society? On the one hand, they have been likened to ludicrously overcompensated gamblers; studies have shown that monkeys can pick high-performing funds as astutely as the average investment manager. That gambling, too, can result in widespread destruction, with entire economies toppling after hedge funds' rapid unloading of shares - as seen in Thailand, Malaysia, and more during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. On the other hand, the high-risk, high-return methods that typify most hedge funds can result in staggeringly high returns (when compared to more traditional investment measures) that contribute to charities, scholarships and pensions. Furthermore, rather than toppling economies on their own, do hedge funds not simply serve to highlight, rather than cause, fundamental weaknesses in the economy? This presentation will aim to dissect the complex functions of such funds, explore the various ways they affect the financial world, and attempt to gauge their ultimate social merit.

技術の発展と法律の変化 ―プライバシー権の変容へ― Modern Technology: Do the Privacy Laws Need to Be Changed?

Chrystel Marincich (Vanderbilt University)


Nowadays, those of us who live in the digital world easily offer our private information to websites such as Google, Facebook and online stores. Many people already live their daily lives through the Net, and it has come to the point that, starting with the government, third parties such as the media and businesses in general have facile access to our private information. Consequently, a variety of problems has risen, particularly in relation to our right to privacy. This speech analyzes, from a legal point of view, how the development of technology is influencing our right to privacy, and it predicts how the right to privacy will change in the near future.

日本における直接投資:バブル崩壊後の環境 Foreign Direct Investment in Japan: The Post-bubble Landscape

Brian Mayer (University of Washington)


Compared to other developed nations, Japan receives a relatively lower share of foreign direct investment as a percentage of its GDP. Even after strict post-war regulations limiting the amount of investment were removed, it has become clear that the Japanese market has lost its appeal to foreign firms. Despite government efforts to boost investment in Japan, the strong value of the yen, expensive labor costs, and a differing business culture have left foreign companies looking elsewhere in search of profitable FDI.

新型ナショナリズム -オサマ・ビンラディンの戦略に見る国家主義的な志向— A New Nationalism: The Nationalistic Impulses Evident in Osama Bin Laden's Strategy

Keita Moore (Colorado College)


The September 11th attacks were conducted by Al-Qaeda against the perceived “enemy,” the United States. Because of this, the death of Osama Bin-Laden, the mastermind behind 9/11, was heralded as tantamount to the blow that would bring about the extinction of terrorism. However, terrorism is not merely the misdeed or malevolence of a single individual, but rather the manifestation of an ideology based upon nationalistic impulse. As such, we may understand terrorism as being based upon two nationalistic impulses, namely one that seeks the establishment of a super-national identity encompassing the entirety of the Islamic world, and another that seeks to differentiate that from other locales as the “enemy.” Thus, as the first step towards the eradication of terrorism, it is imperative to consider this new form of Nationalism.

円ドル相場の見落としかねない歴史的転換点:日本語資料からの発見  Historical Turning Points in the Yen-Dollar Exchange Rate

Colin Moreshead (Wesleyan University)


中ハシ克シゲの彫刻と記憶の方法としてのパフォーマンス Nakahashi Katsushige's Zero Sculptures and Performance as a Form of Memory


語源は異なもの:ことばの驚くべき由来 The Roots is Stranger than Fiction: The Surprising History of Japanese Expressions

Samantha Netzley (Ohio State University)


You hear these words all the time, but do you know their origins? Do you use these sayings without knowing their history? Etymology seems trivial at a glance, but the long histories and varied cultures it contains makes it a fascinating subject. To overlook or ignore a word's roots is a shame (and a pity!). This presentation will offer various examples to illustrate the surprising evolution of words, with the goal of inspiring the audience to appreciate where their words come from.

『正法眼蔵』における蘇軾の禅思想表現の受容:「渓声山色」「山水経」「無情説法」を中心に The Sutra of Nature: How Soshoku's Expression of Zen Impacts on Dogen's Shōbōgenzō


3.11にこたえる:現実と距離 In response to 3.11: Reality and Distance

Shelby Oxenford (University of California, Berkeley)


Is art useless in the face of disaster as Kikuchi Kan wrote following the 1923 Great Kantô Earthquake? If not, in the aftermath of disaster what role can literature, music, and other artistic responses play in documenting the event and its effects? The year following the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident triple disaster of March 11th, 2011 saw an outpouring of responses ranging from protest songs uploaded to Youtube to traditionally published charity literature projects to poems posted line by line to Twitter. Through an overview these traditional media and new media responses I examine how these responses present and manage the problems of distance and the problems encountered trying convey the reality of disaster. I also consider questions of what it might mean to ethically and sincerely attempt to render the events.

佐藤春夫の「霧社」 Satō Haruo “Musha”

Kate Robinson (Columbia University)


Satō Haruo's “Musha” is a travelogue describing the author's experiences during a 1920 journey through colonial Taiwan. At the time, Taiwanese aborigines were being exploited and abused by the Japanese administration, which sometimes resulted in violent rebellion. “Musha” portrays Satō's ambivalent feelings toward colonialism. Satō tries to describe the situation in Taiwan objectively, but at the same time, he seems reluctant to acknowledge his own role as a participant in the colonial system. “Musha” offers an insightful perspective on colonial issues, and I believe that there is value in translating it. My presentation will analyze the story, focusing especially on Satō's inner conflict and his encounters with two native wom

井口阿くりが体験したアメリカ:女らしさと国家主義からみた女子体育の発展 Iguchi Akuri in America: Feminity Nationalism, and the Development of Women's physical Education

Katherine Sargent (University of Michigan)


In 1899, nearly three decades after Tsuda set out as an exchange student with the Iwakura Mission, the Ministry of Education ordered 29 year-old Inokuchi Akuri to go study physical education in the United States. One of only eight women sent by that ministry to live abroad during the Meiji era, Inokuchi was also the first Japanese person sent specifically to study this subject. After three years of study, including one year at Smith College, she returned to Japan and went on to become a pioneer in women's physical education. To understand Inokuchi's contributions to women's physical education and women's education as a whole, I will briefly consider the role physical education played in advancing women's education in both America and Japan. In doing so, I will also explain how nationalistic concerns helped drive this development, as well as how educators sought to reconcile that era's concepts of femininity with the then masculine domain of sports and physical activity.

「民謡収集」を巡る観点の問題-「中心対周縁」のパラダイムを超える為に A Problem of Perspective Concerning “Folk Song Collection”: Moving Beyond Paradigm of “Center and Periphery”

Joshua Solomon (University of Chicago)


What does it mean for a folklorist or ethnomusicologist to collect and analyze folk songs in Japan? Does that meaning change when local people engage in such action? In this presentation I consider Tohoku folk song (min'yō) publications as I think through these questions; the problem of the relationship between agents, authority, and the targets of that authority. I first depict folk music in terms of the theoretical framework of “Center versus Periphery,” explaining it as a “folk culture” intricately bound up in a complex web of unequal power relations. Then, after indicating that paradigm's limitations, I suggest a direction for the creation of a new theoretical model.

日本における最先端医療技術研究:iPS細胞の実用化 Cutting Edge Medical Technology Research in Japan: iPS Cells


日本の採用制度のグローバル化:新卒一括採用制度から通年採用制度への移行 The Globalization of the Japanese Hiring System: Transitioning from “Simultaneous Recruitment of New Graduates” to Year-round Recruitment

Caroline Anne Sundermeyer (University of Southern California)



In contrast with the year-round hiring system that has become the global norm, the vast majority of Japanese companies continue to employ a “simultaneous recruitment of new graduates” system every spring. That said, in light of Tokyo University's plans to switch to an autumn admission system and the forecasted shrinking of the domestic market due to the falling birthrate, Japanese companies are finding themselves pressed to make changes to their hiring practices lest they lose out to international competition. Taking up the major clothing chain Uniqlo's new“Year-round recruitment” scheme as a key example, in this presentation I will first examine the proposed reforms to the current Japanese hiring system, followed by a discussion of the necessity and effectiveness of said reforms based on my own experiences job-hunting in Japan.

プライベート・エクイティの売却戦略 Private Equity: Exit Strategys

Vincent Tan (Columbia Law School)


Private Equity Funds are typically investment schemes organized as limited partnerships that make investments in various equity securities. Typically a Private Equity Fund buys a majority stake in a mature company, through a Leveraged Buy-Out, and derives its profit by re-selling the company at a higher valuation within a few years. The act of reselling a portfolio company is termed an “exit.” Private Equity Funds regularly plan their preferred means of exit and the timing of their exit during the preliminary pre-investment stage. While the period of investment can range depending on the firm's investment thesis and turnaround strategy (usually from 4 to 6 years), the main options for exits are: (1) the IPO (initial Public Offering), (2) Sale of the portfolio company to a third party, (3) Dual Track. The timing of the exit will depend on many factors, including the health of the equity market, the company's future value growth outlook compared to the value already obtained, and an interested suitor willing to meet our valuation. This presentation will review the main benefits and cost for an IPO and Sale exit and conclude by discussing why I believe that, despite its costs, dual exit strategy can offer significant strategic advantages.

燃える氷-一時的エネルギーソリューション Burning Ice: An Energy Solution for the Present

Joseph Tolsma (University of Michigan)



In contrast with the year-round hiring system that has become the global norm, the vast majority of Japanese companies continue to employ a “simultaneous recruitment of new graduates” system every spring. That said, in light of Tokyo University's plans to switch to an autumn admission system and the forecasted shrinking of the domestic market due to the falling birthrate, Japanese companies are finding themselves pressed to make changes to their hiring practices lest they lose out to international competition. Taking up the major clothing chain Uniqlo's new“Year-round recruitment” scheme as a key example, in this presentation I will first examine the proposed reforms to the current Japanese hiring system, followed by a discussion of the necessity and effectiveness of said reforms based on my own experiences job-hunting in Japan.

日本と韓国の北朝鮮拉致問題に対する二つの違う立場 Explaining the Difference between Japanese and South Korean Responses to the North Korean Abduction Issue


ゲイメディアにおけるゲイコミュニティの概念化 The Conceptualization of Gay Community Wish in Gay Media

Richard Turner (Stanford University)


The presentation will consider the conceptualization of gay community within gay media written and edited by Fushimi Noriaki. This media frequently takes up the condition, features and unique characteristics of the community as a topic of discussion. Such discourse demonstrates that the word “community”'s meaning and significance were themselves an object of concern for those involved in said media. Furthermore, the discussions and debates surrounding “community” clearly display that community consciousness was thought to be indispensable for addressing the social problems facing gay people in Japan. The main contention of the presentation will be that this media is simultaneously a reflection of community and an attempt to construct community.

日本の女性監督 Japan's Female Directors


現代小説と映画に見る東京の若者たち Tokyo's Youth in Contemporary Literature and Film

John Wheeler (University of Illinois)


What sort of attitude have Japanese youth fallen into from within the swamp of the continuing recession? In response to this question, I have drawn several scenes from contemporary film and literature. In Murakami Haruki`s After Dark, a single night in the city becomes a metaphor for the last 20 years as two young protagonists find the determination to move forward when the sun comes up. On the other hand, in Kurosawa Kiyoshi`s Bright Future, the self indulgent protagonist continues down a path without hope or aim. In the middle of these two poles is the 20-year-old heroine of Aoyama Nanae`s Hitori biyori, who lives out a static and meaningless year in Tokyo. The thread that binds these three works together is Tokyo itself, which functions as both setting and character.

未来を過去に捜す Seeking the Future in the Past

Justine Wiesinger (Yale University)


Japan suffered a serious blow in the Eastern Japan earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster of March 11, 2011. How will Japan respond to natural disasters, as well as other problems that are facing the nation? Looking at six plays from the 2011-2012 period, there are many commonalities. In particular, the tendency to desire a regressive return to the past appeared in many. Why has this attraction to regression come about? Is it possible to return to the pre-modern past, or even to fully restore Japan to its pre-disaster state? If possible, is it desirable? If it is not possible, what response is best?

ゴシック・ロリータ:音楽から生まれた可愛く、暗い、孤高の少女 Gothic Lolita and Visual Kei: Purity, Poison, Perversion

Teresa Younker (New York University)


Gothic Lolita, today one of Japan's most well-known fashion subcultures, emerged during the late 1990s. Although it shared the same child-like silhouette, modesty, and focus on cuteness as conventional Lolita Fashion, it emphasized dark, monotone coloring and incorporated Gothic elements such as crosses, vampires, bats, and bandages. This amalgam of the cute and benign with the macabre and malignant may seem to ruin the potential effects of both elements, but to the Gothic Lolita the original meaning of these seemingly contradictory symbols is unimportant. To them this curious fashion is simultaneously a way of finding comfort and safety in neo-romantic notions of childhood while simultaneously rejecting established social norms around gender, social roles, and identity.

↑ 2011-2012 Top

Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies